Interesting titles on BBC4 soon


Local time
1:24 AM
Dec 14, 2007
An interesting few programmes are being shown on BBC4 over the next week or so.

On Saturday 27/09/08, we have a repeat of "The Photographer, His Wife and Her Lover" about the life and death of O Winston Link and how his photographic legacy appears to have been stolen by his former wife.

The first episode of "The Genius of Photography" is being repeated on BBC4 28/09/08 at 23:00 - 00:00 BST. I don't know whether they are going to repeat all of the episodes again as the RadioTimes (there are other listings magazines!) and the BBC4 website only goes as far as next Friday.

On Wednesday 01/10/08 (20:50 - 22:00 BST) there is "David Hockney's Secret Knowledge", in which David explains how artists such as Caravaggio used the camera obscura and other techniques to create their masterpieces.

Thanks Nick. I don't have cable TV service and thus don't get the wonderful BBC programming. Do you, or anyone else here on RFF, know if the "The Genius of Photography" series is going to be put out on DVDs?

My DVD recorder was broken when "The Genius of Photography"was first on but,I have a new one now so will record it for those long winter nights ahead.

I really enjoyed the genius of photography, but i begun to feel a little uneasy that some of the major figures in photography were not even mentioned in the series and that the ever obnoxious Martin Parr kept appeared in every episode. then i found out that Martin Parr was the co-writer of the book which the series was based on and he did most of the interviews!

So, basically genius of photography according to Martin Parr would be a better title for the series. Parr, whom I can't stand with his gimmicky and not-so-funny visual garbage - his pictures are not even snapshots.

So, those of you who have not watched the genius of photography, do so with caution and don't believe all that is there.

/For example not a single mention of Salgado in all the six episodes!
Thanks Nick !
don't know whether they are going to repeat all of the episodes again as the RadioTimes (there are other listings magazines!) and the BBC4 website only goes as far as next Friday.
There is a TBA slot on Sat 4th Oct around midnight.

EDIt the slot is filled with "the art of arts TV"
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Thanks. I thoroughly enjoyed the Hockney program this evening. I learnt something about painting and photography and my admiration for Mr H increased further.

The Genius of Photography was worth the watch - it would be nice to have it on DVD.

Soddit I missed the first one about Mr Link. I must have a look at BBC iPlayer.

Thanks again.