John McCain & my Leica

I'll vote for the guy who will allow me to keep more of my money so I can justify buying hard play hard, I think we should deserve that.
FYI: Kodachrome K200 pulled one stop to 400 came out excellent. Round trip to Dwayne’s took about one week. I had expected some damage, given the nature of K14 and the tungsten lights. No problem. Subject filled frame and I hope to post some photos within the next few days.

Again, I was shooting 90mm Elmarit-M (latest) f/2.8 at 1/30 and 1/60. Shot the whole roll knowing that he would blink, etc, but did manage to get 50% sharp ratio.

Thanks all.

Dwayne's will do a one-stop push for $10/roll (up to a maximum of $100) on top of their usual $9.00/roll Kodachrome processing fee. It typically takes a few extra days in the lab, as I believe they allow the push-processing orders to accumulate so they can do them all in one run.

K200 takes a push to 400/500 without even breathing hard. K64 does not look so good when pushed.
Now ... what camera and film combo should I take to a Bob Barr rally? Help me out here. These are the sort of things we anguish over at RFF.
Osama Obama, wow, what a coincindence in name similarity.

could it be that the shadow government has a sense of humour.:D
Now ... what camera and film combo should I take to a Bob Barr rally? Help me out here. These are the sort of things we anguish over at RFF.

Like him or not, McCain brings alot of history with him. My own credentials are liberal on some issues and not liberal on other issues (geegads) but as a photographer I put my personal prejudices aside. I am out to document events.
Why tax it at all?
we all should be able grow this G_d given herb in our backyards without harassment. ...

Oops. I didn't mean to get political. I meant to say, in the event of underexposure, it might be better not to push and then fix the exposure on a scan. A push, with it's decrease in brightness range, might cause picture information to be lost.
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mmm legalize Maryjane, tax her as much as cigarettes but absolutely do not allow people to drive stoned it's just scary. Ever been in a car with a stoned driver? Just don't do it. It's probably not a good idea to go for a joint-break while at work like it isn't a good idea to to have shots of jack daniels on your lunch break before the important meeting with the boss.
perhaps since only the ultra rich have become president for the past 100 years, maybe we aught to eliminate the salaries for both pres and vp

Effective January 1, 2001, the annual salary of the president of the United States was increased to $400,000 per year, including a $50,000 expense allowance.

I could trim a lot of budget right there

I don't have a problem paying POTUS $400k per year. It's a tough job. And if we taxpayers don't own them, then the Lobbyists will.
And if we taxpayers don't own them, then the Lobbyists will.

Let's not be naif, now :D we all know they do anyway, and thus the POTUS gets both your taxpayers' 400.000 US and the lobbyist's money... surely he could afford a Nocti or two, then! :rolleyes:
Let's not be naif, now :D we all know they do anyway, and thus the POTUS gets both your taxpayers' 400.000 US and the lobbyist's money... surely he could afford a Nocti or two, then! :rolleyes:
if either candidate gave me a noctilux i'd vote for them. until that day i'm taking the brewsters millions approach and nailing none of the above, they both equally suck.

but back to topic where are the pics....or have they not come back yet.
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