Jupiter-9 pics on film only

I've had to file down the mount of some J-9's to get them to fit on a Contax camera, and on adapters. I've also filed the bezel that fits over the mount before.

I use my J-9s, but on Digital these days. The best is a KMZ with an adapter, focuses across range on the M9.
I've had to file down the mount of some J-9's to get them to fit on a Contax camera, and on adapters. I've also filed the bezel that fits over the mount before.
What's the best way to figure out the "high point"? It can only be out by a fraction of a millimetre, but god only knows where.
True- for the collar- I carefully placed on my beater Nikon S2 and could see where it hit the name place. Took the collar off, file- and repeat until it cleared. The bayonet mount itself- carefully position and inspect which hung up. I have a modified J-12, will get some pictures up- will be getting some time freed up next week.
> It seems to loose all contrast at the drop of a hat, and I get way more duds with it than just about any other lens I own. But when it does well, it shines.
Just a suggestion: check the Black Paint used on internal glass elements that it has not flaked off. This happened to my 8.5cm F2 Sonnar. I used a Sharpie to blacken the exposed surfaces, solved the problem. I also use a very deep shade on it and the J-9.

But not this one-

On the Canon 7.
View attachment 4827472
Where on the lens would you potentially see flaked black paint?
This is the black paint that is on the sides of the glass of the optical groups. Use a flashlight to check the inner elements. If you see white/mottled areas, the paint may have separated on is not doing it's job. Light coming in off-angle gets reflected onto the image.

test frame, part of stereo filming for viewing 3D slides
Kiev 2A, Jupiter 9, Svema KN1 (as 16 Units from 1972 made in), exposed 2019