Keywords Deleted by Adobe CC Update


genius and moron
Local time
5:18 PM
Feb 7, 2007
Just a heads up, if one has Auto-Update still turned on, and auto update is set to delete all old versions of CC (which appears to now been as the default) LOTS more than just the applications are deleted. All ten years of keywording my image files is gone, and by some typical lovely *** of luck, none of my backup drives has a backup of this folder.

I need to find a new life that doesn't require a computer. Preferably one that is short.
I was wondering why none of my workspaces were anywhere to be found, but that took about twenty minutes to redo. The keywords: peoples names, places, project titles, etc. are just gone forever. No way I will ever spend hundreds of hours with that ever again.
Whoa. Thanks for the information. I don't have auto update turned on, for anything.

Really hope you can find some workaround to get your keywords back. Yikes.
This is scaring...I should check my LR preferrences what is turned on...but does it mean if we update it manually we loose our keywords? It has no a real sense in my opinion.
Sorry of course for your problem.
The keywords are stored in the catalog file for Lightroom Classic CC, I believe. It's always best to keep that backed up (you can set it up to back it up itself, once a week).

That's terrible that it happened though, what a nightmare.