Last Night at the LA Leica Store with the Leica T

More than one year after the introduction...I was in a Leica shop today and tried the T. Unfortunately I found it very interesting...with on of my M lens beside the M7 I desire one...
PS: of course the cost is a little "problematic" but I do not change camera each year...
I too liked the T Robert ... it is interesting and feels nice. But decided to splurge on the Q. I'm not that comfortable with the price, but I'm selling a bunch of stuff in order to obtain it.
For me, the T is rather... boring. The Q at least looks like a Leica. I am not in the market for either. Or any digital camera in this generation.

It baffles me why anyone would buy a Mercedes that looks like a Toyota. They don't. Aesthetics and brand are linked in a way that is hard to separate in the long term of a successful product. It appears at this moment the T is not going to be around long.. At least the sales numbers I read indicate such. Sigh... Making a camera that looks like a low end Nikon L29 or such with a dedicated line of small lenses... It just indicates moving from the core of Leica appeal.

Me thinks the X1 will be in my bag a long time.

Now where is the bottle of fixer? I have work to do!
Every time I handle one, I like the T a little more. It is a new aesthetic of simplicity and minimalism. It takes time to become accustomed to.

But. I have enough investment in systems to last me a very long time. I was lukewarm enough about the M9 that I was on the verge of selling it off and buying the T at one point. With the M-P (and MM246 body coming), I've upgraded/expanded my Leica lens kit to the point where I'm done with changing systems for years to come.

it's strange, when T came out I never consider it a camera which could be interesting for me and never look at it seriously. My way is to shoot film and having a small digital around for the convenience of digital, which actually is my Leica x1. 35 FOV is ok for most of time and is the focal length on the M7 most of time.

A few month ago I started to realize that I shoot more digital recently, I can work around some of the limitation of the x1 and I'm satisfied of IQ but I also miss a longer lens on it.

Or a more versatile digital system. I do not need FullFrame and I prefer small size and light weight. What I like in the T is the minimalist design and the possibility to use on of my 35/50EQ or 50/75EQ when needed. From the short time I played with it I found manual focusing not a problem.

Probably I had not to enter the Leica store a few days ago just to kill one hour when I was in city :D

The Q is for sure interesting and i like it, I would seriously consider if I already had a DSLR or another camera with a moderate tele leon it, but investing that amount of money and still being without a tele is not something i could do easily, maybe later, after the T...just imagine a Q in my hand and a T with a 50 (75 EQ) in the bag...

robert, just free wheel thinking...:)