Latest Luminous Landscape article has RF/Film pictures

Simply wonderful!! However, I wish "No shortage of people here" had been shot w/ a panorama camera.

Make me wanna pick up stakes and move there and teach English/ photograph -instead of much more modern Korea. Maybe I'll do so in a couple of years.

heh yeah it would have been nice to have something like a hasselblad xpan in that situation, but whats a guy to do, use whats on hand, plus back then I only have two cameras, my sony f717 and canon ae1 with 50mm lens, good things to learn on.
Colin you are one of the real talents here on RFF. Pray tell us a little about your self, what you are doing in Chongging, your background etc.
Colin you are one of the real talents here on RFF. Pray tell us a little about your self, what you are doing in Chongging, your background etc.

Really you give me too much credit. But a few words may be in order. A while ago I made this thread which has some details about some people here and is worth a look. I guess a few updated details could be shared from that.

Since that thread I have become a college graduate, I still live in Chongqing and have been here for the last 5 years now. I am now 23 and still with my girlfriend wangyi. She has also graduated with a degree in photography and we are looking towards our future career as photographers. I have been doing a lot of small projects which I have funded myself and at great cost as well but I hope that one day I will have a substantial enough portfolio to wow David Griffin at National Geographic after many what I would call "lesser" jobs. Its a goal of mine to have a photo in National Geographic and I think one day I really will have one in there because since I am still so young I have a lot of room to grow into the roll of contributing to the NG Society and ultimately the betterment of our kind, this is my dream, not to score big and have lots of money and women and all that....I am very content with what I have not and find myself feeling that NG really is not outside of my grasp. I sure talk about NG a lot dont I? Long time fantasy.

Many photographers have territories they work in, Steve McCurry works in the middle east and India mostly, that is sort of his territory, my friend I. Heldal only takes pictures in Africa, my territory at the moment is China, there is far too much to take pictures of here, but sooner or later I hope my territory will expand out into other parts of Asia sort of the way Michael Yama****a works but on a different types of projects then he.

I spend most of my time deep in sometime reading, the other times I am working on taking photos or editing photos or discussing the finer points of photography and the world with my good friend, who also happens to be part of NG.

Anyway....I stay in Chongqing now because the place is a dream for a person like me and the photos I take. While I dont consider myself a very good photographer yet I think Chongqing is the perfect place to grow and learn to be better in this field.

Hm....I dont know what else to say, if you want to know anything just ask.
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Sounds like a plan, Colin! You seem to have a foot in both worlds, culturally speaking, and China is a bit of a "blank slate" to the rest of the world, in some ways, so there's ample opportunity for you to put your eye to good use and tell her stories. :)
ps people, if you want to make any critical comments about the photos or writing please do, I am a horrible editor of my own writing and like to see where others are coming from.
Some nice shots, Colin ! One small comment, I wouldn't call it "street photography" it is more some kind of documentary photography, IMHO.

Thank for sharing and congrats to the LL article ! :)
Very nice. Keep up the good work. And I think you don't need to be too over-conscious about equipment. Afterall. it's the photography that counts!!! Have fun.
Nice work, Colin.
As mentioned above, the brief narrative after each photo really adds a lot.
Best of luck with your future plans.