Leica Digilux 2, Tell me about it.


Devin Bro
Local time
1:35 PM
Jul 9, 2009
Hello gang!

I am the Happy owner of a Leica X1, but it is not perfect for everything.
The 36mm equivalent and poor close focus, leaves you wanting in the portrait dept.

Ideally, ide love a compact camera like my X1, with a 90mm equiv, hah right.

Thinking on this one, the Leica Digilux 2 (Lumix LC1) has a well reviewed 28-90/2.0-2.4 Vaio Summicron.

Is anyone shooting the Digilux 2 still?
Would you reccomend it?
Max ISO (400) noisy as hell?
Good used price?

Any better options in the sub-500$ range? (Prefer Fixed lens)

Any experience or comments welcome!
I have had the Digilux 2 since 2004.
Love it dearly, but it has it's limitations, and I haven't made "real" pictures with it in years. It's a shelf queen and it's staying there :D

Give a very serious look to the panasonic Lumix LX3 - LX7. I had an LX3 and in a burst of guilt or stupidity, I sold it to buy something else.
I believe the LX7 has much better specs and performance than the D2. I know that my LX3 beat out the D2 in overall image quality and the handleability / portability of the camera. For the real world, I would pick the LX3 over the D2. If it were a beauty contest, The D2 wins hands down.
Noisy as hell, but a damn good camera. I gave mine to my 11 year old. I run the digilux 2 group on Facebook, lot of great images.
I had one and loved it. The 28-90 was the perfect walk around. Shutterlag drove me crazy, but I loved the files. Sold it to fund my Leica M8 at the time.
I'm considering a Lumix LX100 for the exact reasons you are dealing with.

I like the Ricoh GR very much but, it is limited to "reportage" with that wide lens.
The LX100 goes wide to Portrait and has a nice clean sensor and 4K if you want it.
You swap out your X1 and have cash left over. :)
I love the digilux 3. Interchangeable lenses, sweet, but slow.... unsupported format. I'd go micro 4/3 and buy the leica lenses
i had one years ago when the lens was fast for its time. it was a nice piece of glass. but even back then the evf was probably the worst i had seen--laggy, artifacty and dark. at this point in time i'd honestly consider it not useable. further, only base iso is useable. many many better options. if you want nostalgic compact auto focus zoom get yourself a cheap gx7 + pan-leica zoom and you'll be miles ahead.
I'm considering a Lumix LX100 for the exact reasons you are dealing with.

I like the Ricoh GR very much but, it is limited to "reportage" with that wide lens.
The LX100 goes wide to Portrait and has a nice clean sensor and 4K if you want it.
You swap out your X1 and have cash left over. :)

Yes, the LX100 has a 4/3 sensor - bigger that the 2/3" of the D2. You're well over the $500 level, buy something to ponder.

BH is selling a new LX7 for $350.
I hate these kind of threads :p

It does break up the monotony.

What if I just sold my X1 and my vehicle to get a new X Vario ;)
I had a Digilux 2 and liked it a lot. I didn't notice noise in the images for my applications. I eventually sold it to fund a D-Lux 3, which I liked even better. The Digilux 2 main limitation was that it only went to ISO 400. That cost me some shots that I could get easily with the D-Lux 3 (and the D-lux 4 and D-Lux 6 I now have as well). I didn't much care for the digital-only finder on the Digilux 2, though. I used the LCD screen most of the time.

Here's a shot:

The D-Lux 6 goes from 24mm to 90mm, takes great macro closeups, has high ISO, does it all. Expensive, though.
My Fuji X10 goes from 28 to 90mm, and has a large sensor for its small size. Very good IQ.

I've still got and use the Digilux 2 but I seldom worry about the noise as I use it at 100 or 200 ISO. I don't worry about the VF either as it beats waving the thing in the air at arms' length and can be used in sunlight.

I think the handling and controls ought to be the reason to buy it, and that lens of course. Plus it's a nice big camera to hold and slow speeds are easier, imo.

But mostly I like the layout of the controls and the real shutter speed dial and the real aperture ring and the real zoom ring and the other important controls in sensible positions and the bounce flash.

All in all you get a very nice package for your money, and not much money either.

Regards, David

PS and it takes a good picture too...
wanting the lens is understandable--as is wanting a ferrari engine. however, having that ferrari engine in a broken down jalopy would be a curious choice to make, unless one were to ditch the body and start over again building a new body around the motor. unfortunately thats not possible with the Digilux2, which has a ferrari engine-lens in a 2 speed body that cannot run over 30 mph and whose suspension cannot handle but the simplest of turns. i think often times we build up romantic notions around these gadgets, which are tools at the end of the day.

is the lens good-yes. are the controls and 'heft' good-yes. is the sensor incredibly and achingly limited-yes. is the evf one of the worst ever made-yes. can one duplicate or surpass the two positives while eliminating the negatives with readily availble inexpensive alternatives-resoundingly yes.

at the end of the day these are subjective decisions, and as such have no real right or wrong answer. but i'm not sure why one would seek a discussion like this and then ignore the overwhelming negatives unless ones mind was already made up. in which case good luck with your soon to be acquired digilux 2!
I must agree with rbelyell. Your mind seems determined about the D2 and you are overlooking it's serious negatives.
I have one and love it, but there are many better choices out there when it comes to making pictures.
If you "need" a Leica branded camera, look at their dlux series (counterparts to the Panasonic LX series).
It's your cash, and your decision. But maybe take a cold shower before you actually buy one.
Actually, ive only decided that Ide like something longer in my kit.

To me, the cons seem trivial compared to the pros.

I drive a Geo Tracker, so im afraid you lost me with the Ferrari talk ;)

Ive also owned a D-Lux 4, It was nice, but I despise having to dig into a Menu for control,

Ok well ****, maybe I have made up my mind. Haha
I had one and loved it. The 28-90 was the perfect walk around. ... Sold it to fund my Leica M8 at the time.

Same for me.

I had one for some years. Lens is great, pictures at ISO100 are fantastic, the best 5 MPix photos I have ever seen (before the D2 I thought that the Sony V1 would be the champ).
At ISO 200 photos are OK, but noise starts already. ISO 200 b/w is amazing, though, very film like.
ISO 400 is only usable for b/w. Pretty nice there, but with colour - better not, or just for small prints.

Shutter lag is present, yes, but I didn't think it was too bad.

Built quality is really high and its looks are gorgeous. Still one of the most beautiful digital cams, I'd say.

The biggest drawback, though, was the viewfinder: tiny and pixelled. I never really liked it, unfortunately.

Still, selling it was a tough fight. The only reason for me to finally really give it away was that it helped me to buy my M8. ;)

That lens combined with the sensor of the Fuji X10/X20 - THAT would be a cracker!
I own and use a Sony V1 actually, which is why I posted here about the D2.

I love the look of the files it makes, but I cant stand those hard to find Memory Sticks.
Plus, it is ergonomically challenged to say the least. The IR Night shot feature is fun.

Thanks everyone, Im going to save the coin and just grab one, it sounds just fine to my ears, even the bad.