Leica X1 Price


RF_newbie John
Local time
9:25 AM
May 6, 2008
Ya i know, who care's right ?
But have you seen how cool this cam is?
36mm fixed lens & the largest sensor made in a compact camera

Seems way pricey. I wish they would have put an M mounting flange on it. Or an R mount. I wouldn't mind the 1.5x crop factor (not much anyhow). There was a time when I shot with only an M2 and a 35/2.8 Summaron. Not sure I want to go back to that now, though.
Seems way pricey. I wish they would have put an M mounting flange on it. Or an R mount. I wouldn't mind the 1.5x crop factor (not much anyhow). There was a time when I shot with only an M2 and a 35/2.8 Summaron. Not sure I want to go back to that now, though.

It is still a cool looking cam
Beside, whats wrong with moving backwards Rob ?
The USA does it almost every time we vote for a New President.
It has become American tradition :p
It is still a cool looking cam
Beside, whats wrong with moving backwards Rob ?
The USA does it almost every time we vote for a New President.
It has become American tradition :p

Well then wake me up when we get back to F.D.R., and please allow me sleep during Bush, Bush, Reagan and Nixon.
It is still a cool looking cam
Beside, whats wrong with moving backwards Rob ?
The USA does it almost every time we vote for a New President.
It has become American tradition :p

OK point taken. It's all a matter of finding the proper perspective.

I am eager to see what sort of images this $2,000 point and shoot can produce. Since a fixed lens camera has, well, a fixed lens, it better be a magnificent one. And it better be faster than F2.8. Because, you know, it can't be changed. :confused:
The much beloved Konica Hexar AF was a fixed lens 35mm f/2.0 with a max shutter speed of 1/250 second!

I've wanted a digital version of that for a long time.
Not understanding the f2.8 lens here.
$2k fixed lens camera...can't the lens at least be reasonably fast?

Not that I'd in any way have the money for this sort of thing....
$2,000 USD, I wonder how much better it is over the GRD III at $700? And when compaired to say the GRD IV or V in say two years?

B2 (;->
Will be interested in seeing user results of the Leica X1 but for roughly the same price the kit below is looking good to me;

Panasonic GF1 with f1.7 20mm lens kit $899
Panasonic Lumix G Vario 7-14mm lens $950
Oh but people you are forgetting the best part of this 2.8 lensed camera. In a year the price will go up to $2599 and in two years it will be $3199. A true Leica in spirit, they designed it and while everyone were yelling what they wanted at them they had their ears covered going LA LA LA LA LA and now.....
I'm still stymied by the f/2.8 lens. For a P&S costing even $800 I'd expect nothing less than f/2. Even if I had the dough this wouldn't be on my radar.

Yep - wish it was f2. Back when I had a D300, the 24mm was stuck on it 90% of the time.... now here's an opportunity to have the same "kit" at a fraction of the weight & bulk. If it is going to cost that much (~ $2000), then it should be a stop faster in my opinion.
Oh but people you are forgetting the best part of this 2.8 lensed camera. In a year the price will go up to $2599 and in two years it will be $3199. A true Leica in spirit, they designed it and while everyone were yelling what they wanted at them they had their ears covered going LA LA LA LA LA and now.....

You know, we've gotten the message that you despise Leica - you don't need to keep banging away at it...