Japan Looking for best photo store(s) in Hiroshima


Local time
9:36 AM
Oct 8, 2006
Anyone here from Hiroshima (or familiar with the city)?

I will stay there for more than three weeks in April, visiting my Japanese girlfriend, spending my time (during office hours, when she's working) doing street photography with my M2 and 3 lenses max.

I'm looking for a good photo store where they sell a wide assortment of b&w film, as well as slide film, and where I can have it processed as well. In Osaka or Tokyo, they have Yodobashi Camera, but not in Hiroshima, as far as I know.

Any suggestions welcome!

The last time I was in Hiroshima was 1995 so I don't remember what was there, but there's bound to be some large electronics stores similar to Yodobashi Camera etc.

Here's a map that came up on Google Japan that shows the locations of some used camera stores. Bound to be a lot there if you have time to search.
I'll be in Hiroshima in early April as well. If you want to hook up for some street photography together, PM me.