m6 vs m7 in weight and handling


Rich Silfver

I'm interested in getting a used M6 and 75mm lens this year but can not seem to find a place here in San Francisco that rents them out. BUT I can rent the Mamiya 7.

If renting the M7 what do I have to take into consideration that would be different when/if getting an M6 when it comes to;
- size and weight (I know the M6 has the collapsing lens mount which the M7 doesn't have), and
- operation

I pretty much want to get a feel for how heavy and big the camera is and how easy it is to focus and operate.

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you can't underestimate the collapsable mount. it makes the camera so much easier to travel with, being able to use a smaller camera bag is a plus.
i have only held a 7 once and that was a while ago. the feel was similar to the 6.
these cameras are very easy to handle being light in weight compared to the modern slr. i have smallish hands and the size of the camera is just right, fitting perfectly.

We went to a camera store today and got to play with an M7 II. Mmmm.... nice....!
Yeah! She played around with the M7II in the store and really liked it - we were both surprised at how light and compact it was.
She is still hooked on the square 6x6 format though....

Guess I'm going M6 hunting :)

Oh, and...does anyone know if the Mamiya 6 lenses came in different versions? I keep seeing references to "G-lenses' and 'L-lenses'?
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i happen to have a body for sale...

g lenses are for the 6. L is for the 35mm line, i believe, it's the pro line.
Hey, I'm looking for the M6 body and the 75mm lens - both in great condition. I'm lazy enough to want to get both from the same place :)

I was also comparing M6 to M7II prices - for fun - and wholy **** that's quite a difference.