My replacement for the Canon 85/1.5: Mitakon Speedmaster 90mm f/1.5

Sonnar Brian

Product of the Fifties
Staff member
Local time
4:37 PM
Jan 12, 2004
This lens has received some bad reviews across the Internet. Thanks to those reviews, you can buy this lens for under $400.
I bought mine off Amazon, would not do that again. Box tossed into a Brown Amazon paper bag, no padding. Damage to the manufacturers sleeve for the box, lens and hood are fine. Buy it from B&H or a shop that knows how to handle camera equipment. Same price- I just looked.

One review stated that the Hood was difficult to screw in, mine had a "Gritty" feel. This lens is too good for the final inspection to not clean the filter threads. I did, used a Q-Tip. Looks like some dust from paint or something- filter threads clean, hood and filter- very smooth going in.

The Hood- is not vented. It partially blocks the RF patch below 8ft. I'll find a 67mm Vented hood, or make a clamp-on with a cut-out. Original is fine for the Nikon Z5.

One reviewer stated the aperture does not have click stops: It does, they are soft- but easily felt. The click stop mechanism would require an increase in the diameter of the barrel, and increase weight. The existing mechanism is a good compromise.

Another review stated nothing was in focus. The focus on my M8 and M9 is perfect from close-up to infinity. I use a 1.25x magnifier. This lens is the limit of my ability to focus using the RF. I did not buy the TTArtisans 90/1.25: it is heavier, cost more, and I would have to stop it down.

I like the 7Artisans 75/1.25, get great shots of moving skaters under disco lights. I wanted a little more reach. I sold the Canon 85/1.5 a year ago when they attained cult status. I paid $450 or so for it. Got enough to buy the "once in a lifetime pre-production 5cm F1.5 Sonnar" and some of the best Jupiters that I've ever seen. The Canon 85/1.5 is a "decent" lens, and not common- about 2000 made. If you can find one for under $1000, worth buying. Over that- it's a cult lens. Optical properties do not qualify it for the prices it is getting. Fad? Better than Crypto Currency. Have a Canon 85/1.5 and want a 50mm lens to match the look? Get a Simlar 5cm F1.5, same optical formula- Planar, 1-3-2-1 Seven element in four groups. Another "decent", lens that sells for higher price due to rarity and uncommon design. Mine is the 74th made. This new lens- also low production, mine just bought is just over SN400.

This $400 lens is sharp enough, about the same size, and about the same weight. The RF cam can be adjusted, instructions were not included with the lens. Mine is perfect across the range- so no adjustments required.

Used close-up and wide-open, the DOF is "SHALLOW". Steady yourself. Mid-Distance, where I plan to use it- will be fine. Focus is smooth, and well damped. Like the Canon, it is a heavy focus which is required for a lens of this speed.

The Bokeh of the lens is gorgeous, a result of intentional design. Slight under-corrected for spherical aberration. Color correction is good, some purple-fringe used wide-open with tree branches against the sky. No Big Deal under disco-lights.

Test shots- first day owning the lens, on my M9 with 1.25x magnidier.


Foxes like to steal Toys from the neighbor's yard.
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Next trip to the Skating Rink- will post comparisons,

These are with the Canon 85/1.5, wide-open on the M9.


All shots wide-open. If I want to stop down, will grab the Nikkor 8.5cm F2 and save the weight.
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All shots are wide-open at F1.5.

I took the 90/1.5 out on the Nikon Z5. Figured if I could focus wide-open on moving ice skaters using focus peeking, I could focus on anything.
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Brian, looks like focus peaking works really well (I love focus peaking on both Sony and Nikon mirrorless). Also, the lens appears to perform pretty well; I assume that these photos were taken at f1.5. I was quite pleased with how sharp this lens was wide open, was expecting softer images. I know that the lens is not perfect in several aspects, but fast lenses always have compromises. I read a few reviews dated to about a year ago, but after using the lens a bit, I really don't understand why some reviewers considered this lens to be a dog. I found the performance to be about the same, and in some cases a bit better/sharper/less distortion, as the Canon 85/1.5. Of course, I think there was a lot of hate directed at the Canon lens when it was issued in 1952.
After it lay dormant in a drawer for a few years, I'm reusing the Canon L 1.2/85 -aka 'the pineapple', with my Leica SL2-S. It is A very sharp lens wide-open but also bulky, heavy (1,195 kg), and expensive. Some shots -with the Canon 5DMII, in Chek Lap Kok Airport, Hong Kong:

Cheers, OtL
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Is your lens the FD version or the AF version? I have the manual focus FD version 85/1.2L. A great lens.
The Nikon Z5 is full
Hmm I was just looking at a mirror less body to use my lenses with, Is the Z5 is a full frame?
Yes- the Z5 is full-frame, and Nikon had them for $999 in December. New models coming out, I suspect they will drop the price again.

The lousy reviews for this lens saved my and Dexdog a few Hundred $'s each.
The Z5 has a 3.68MDot finder and 24MPixel CMOS Sensor. The 3.68MDot finder is a must. If you shoot Video, the Panasonic has better resolution. I am shooting Still photos. The Z5 at the price is hard to beat.

90mm F1.5 Mitakon, Wide-Open on the Nikon Z5.
Nobody wants to pay big bucks for my Canon 85/1.5 (bought eons ago for a reasonable price) because the barrel finish is ugly. Given that I still have it, would the Mitakon give me anything noticeably better/different? Legit question, not kvetching...
The focus throw is shorter- I found it easier to focus on a moving subject.

ALSO: The people that are buying these are transplanting the barrel to a new mount, and even refinishing the glass. I suspect you could get over $2K for any of them.