
Leica All Day

Local time
8:50 PM
Nov 29, 2007
Here are some recent photos from my trip to Myanmar (just random stuff)......I have a lot of editing to do.......I am going to post one of the projects that I did once I get everything all sorted out.

Yangon Train Station

Train Ride...


cheers, michael
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Thanks guys......I appreciate the comments......

I will post some more photos in the next couple of days...

I am going to work on one of the projects that I went there to shoot and I will post it up later tonight or tomorrow.....thanks again...

cheers, michael
That sink don't look too healthy...

Seriously good photos, Michael. I can see that there is a b+w sensibilty at work in most of them but the colour is so seductive too, especially in numbers 1, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 & 17.

Like PKR, I look forward to seeing more...
Very nice and interesting pictures. What kind of camera, lenses and film (?) did you use? That part of the world has so many interesting things to photograph.

Great photos. I remember seeing some photos before (maybe from you), showing the white coloring on faces; a religious festival I think?

Do all the people wear such colorful clothing? I remember from my first time in Korea, traveling in the countryside and noting colorful clothing amid the drabness of the surrounding farmland.
The whitish powder on the faces of women and children is called "Tanaka spots". It's made of tree bark and people use it extensively as a skin protect and I assume it's fashionable as well. I haven't seen it used nowhere else in SE Asia.
Michael, these are pure inspiration.
Some of the best color photos I've seen this year.

Honestly, I think those entries in the COLOR magazine pales compared to these (and I am being nice).
Thanks again guys.....i really appreciate it.....

Mablo is right about the Tanaka......The Burmese use it daily and some of the people like to "style it up" a little......I have seen many people apply it and it is always interesting (at least to me) to watch them put it on.....

As far as equipment goes....I used 2 Leica bodies (m6ttl/m2) and (15 cv/ 28 elmarit/ 35 1.2 nokton/ 50mm rigid/ 90 summicron)...the film was mostly Kodak Pro Image 100 and a couple rolls of Fuji Pro II 100.......

Shwedagon Pagoda



cheers, michael
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