Need help big time

back alley

Local time
2:28 AM
Jul 30, 2003
My mac mini is under the control of alien beings!
I started to load the new version of high sierra on to my little mini...the apple chart says it will work...but it didn’t.
It starts to load and then stops...then the screen goes grey and nothing...the pointer works though.
I did some researching on the net and found few examples of this but i did find a few...they mostly say hit (i can’t remember atm) and hit R along with the other recomended key. But nothing happens!!

Any help would be appreciated as i can’t use the ipad pro for long periods.
Probably Recovery Mode as that uses the R key (Command + R simultaneously). From Recovery you can reinstall the OS.

See here -

Last month my three-year-old MacBook Retina Pro froze solid about halfway through upgrading to High Sierra.

I'm not that computer literate enough to sort out technical problems such as this, so I telephoned Apple's UK care line and was helped through the procedures to install High Sierra, which was basically as described above.

With a complete new install all of my files and documents were erased, however, these were recovered via Time Machine and iCloud.

Despite the install problem I'm glad I did install High Sierra, it is a much improved OS (especially with image handling and retouching), although it does swallow a hell of a lot more memory in use, and my version MacBook cannot be memory upgraded.
I usually use Ubuntu live disk to fix issues in Mac...I run dual-boot Linux/Mac but "fix Mac with Ubuntu live disk" or similar.
Every new Mac OS in recent memory has been released before it was ready. Those with newish computers have fewer or no problems, but usually trying to "upgrade" to a new version of the OS if your computer is more than 4 years old results in problems if trying to install the OS in the first couple of months post-release.
There is never anything in new Apple OS versions that anyone actually needs, so waiting 6 months after the release date before installing the newest OS is usually wiser. Then 6 months after that they release another buggy and bloated OS for us to beta test. And I say this as a decades long Apple user. They've changed since Jobs died.
I do not even connect my photo computer to the net except to upgrade PS CC. Every time you upgrade os, something breaks so I refuse to play the game.

Looking for substitute for CC as I find nothing for me in the upgrades. Nice stuff if you are a graphic artist, but photographer, no.
If you can get to an Apple store, I have always found they will fix a stuck mac for free (unless your drive is crashed or something.)