Canon LTM New Canon RF Camera & I am back!

Canon M39 M39 screw mount bodies/lenses


Local time
7:43 PM
Jun 6, 2004
This summer has been hard for me. On July 5th I suddenly got double vision. Turns out that I have 4th Nerve Palsy in my right eye. I can see with either eye but not with both. Should go away on its own in 6 months. I wear a patch over one eye - either one doesn't matter which.

The last 3 years I been tired and did not know why. Turns out I had a leaky aorta heart valve and an aorta aneurysm. July 29th I had open heart surgery to fix both. All went well.

On August 19th I had a stoke numbing my right side. Went to rehab which helped immensely. Discharged August 26th 11:00 am. At 2:30PM the same day I was at the ER with abdominal pain. I had appendicitis. Surgery at 6:30PM when the doctors discovered my appendix had ruptured. I developed sepsis (bacteria in my blood). I am now recovering and doing well.

I am getting old projects done. I have been acquiring Canon RF lenses over the last 10 years and I have the 28mm f/3.5 Serenar, 35mm f/2 black, 50mm f/1.8 black. 50mm f/1.2, 85mm f/2 Serenar, 100mm f/3.5 black, and the 135mm f/3.5 black.

The 28mm sits on my M-4P when I don't need the speed of my Voigtlander 28mm f/1.9. The 50mm f/1.2, the 85mm f/2 Serenar, and the 135mm f/3.5 are paired with my M3. That leaves the 35mm/2, the 50mm f/1.8, and the 100mm f/3.5 without a home and my thoughts were that I would get a Canon P body for them.

Well I bought a Canon RF body but it was not a P. I got an nice Canon VI-T instead. Why?

Well, my other two screw mount L39 bodies are a Leica IF and a Leica IIIf. The If has the Voigtlander 15mm on it and the IIIF has the Voigtlander 21mm on it. The Canon body will use the 35mm, 50mm, & 100mm.

OK but why the VI-T trigger body rather than a P or a VI-L body? Well both of my Leica L39 bodies have Leicavits on them and I love using the the trigger advance. The VI-T pairs nicely with the IF & IIIF with Leicavits. So now I can take out my L39 bodies and have then all work the same.

First roll with the VI-T will be the 50mm f/1.8 with HP-5 of course. I can't wait!!!
Well congratulations on surviving all those medical issues. And congrats on the new Canon camera. Have never owned a Canon L39 RF body but they look nice.

Damn Tony, you've had more than your share this summer. Which means you'll probably hit ten years of excellent health now just to average everything out. Heal up.
Big adventures in developed and functional health care system!
My mother in law had open heart surgery. Just because they have missed it first time and it developed complications. Few months ago not too old person died in Canucistsn ER, just because personal was giving no crap. I saw it where we are. Went to ER at city nearby with wife. She was in pain, waiting for hours. Those Canadian bastarts were sitting few meters from her, just stearing their morons eyes on comps. She went to the corridor to scream. Doctor who is immigrant as us walked by, took her back and ordered those bastarts to take care of her.
You are lucky to live where you are....
Tony good to see you here again. You've been through a lot recently! Congrats on survival and glad you didn't get the COVID virus as well!
Thanks all! I am glad to be back and looking forward to taking pics and getting back into my darkroom. It's a mess but a good day's work and it will be humming again. Got my iPod loaded with new tunes as well.
Sheesh, makes my Summer seem dull and eventless... I'm glad you've survived, Tony! Now prosper—Survival is the first step! :)

I don't know the Canon rangefinder line very well, so I looked up the VI-T. Nice, good looking camera! Enjoy using it!

(I'm having way too much fun with a 1955ish Kodak Retina IIIc. It's such a sweet camera to shoot with! Brings me back to my childhood ... my mom had one of them and I always thought it was a really cool camera. I was right! LOL!)

Stay well and better...
Wishing you total recovery for your eyesight.
The Canon RF cameras are excellent overall. I am used to the P.
Enjoy your camera.
'glad to hear you pulled through all the medical issues.

I've found that going on photo walks gets me that exercise where I don't realize I'm getting it. That's the best kind; all other kinds of exercise leave me feeling like a hamster on a wheel. With that in mind, get out there and shoot!
Well, just my luck, The POST Office sent the shade for the 50mm 1.5 on a wild trip. It did arrive as did the sun. But I had assumed that the shade would hold a Series VI filter, which I have a bunch. It in fact holds a Series VII which I do not have the ones I need. Dang. OK, my bad for not checking better. A UV and yellow filers are in-bound in Series VII.
Dude, do you ever note how old some of these threads are? This was two years ago. The OP was last on here in December of 2021.

There are times and places where thread necromancy is fine, but at least pay attention to what you're doing please.