Canon LTM New forum for Canon Rangefinders

Canon M39 M39 screw mount bodies/lenses

now i have a place to go when i want to fondle my canon p.
that didn't really sound so good, eh?

now i have a special place to go when i want to discuss all things canon.

sound better?

Can us lowly leica louses visit the canon p forum once and awhile, please, I mean we won't post nuthin' or anything.
I remember a couple weeks ago it was an all Leica forum, where did we go wrong, where's the sanity? :)

Ah, you Leica guys (spit). Ya go around sayin' "Oooh, my Summicron this" and "My Hektor that" and we just got sick of it. This here is the He-Man Canon-Owner's Club, and yoooo can't come in! You guys can take your little red Leitz ball and...

Never mind.

Now it is OUR turn! "Oooh, my Serenar is SO cool!" "Oooh, I've got a 7s!" "Ooh, I've got a VT with the EP markings!" "Oooh, I've got a .95 DREAM LENS!"

There, we can do it too!

Just kidding, Todd. Besides, I ain't got that stuff, either. Just a few nice Canon RF lenses and a Bessa R body. Bwahahaha!

Best Regards,

Bill Mattocks
I don't know, I kind of like using my Summarit on my Canon 7. I may also mount the Canon 50mm f1.4 on the M3.

Can't we all just get along?

Canon 7 w 50mm F1.5 Summarit, wide-open and close-up. Kodacolor 400HD.
are you suggesting another forum, a hybrid, maybe call it "Liecanon" or "Canieca"?

just kiddin', nice shot though, sharp and great color.

Hmmmm. My digital is Canon... Maybe that qualifies me to peek in on the forum once in awhile ;)

Very nice photo, Brian!

Don't forget also the humble but nonetheless great Canonet :D

Then you realize you have a CV lens on your Canon RF, what's then, Voigtanon ? Canander ?

AND... should that Contax/Nikon-to-LTM adapter become a reality, we'd have serious problems with names then !
Well, time to fess up. I have and use a Canon 50mm F0.95, Canon 50mm F1.4, Nikkor 50mm F1.4, Summarit 50mm F1.5, and Canon 50mm F1.8 on my Canon 7 cameras. What other interchangeable lens RF can take such an assortment of lenses?

I have the finder lines working on Canon 7 #3. It was so cheap that it dragged down the price of the F0.95 mounted on it to below the going rate for that lens, even though the seller swore the UGLY camera with impact damage was bought separate from the lens. The Lens is near mint, the camera was a mess.

The difference between me and a real optical engineer: I used superglue to repair the broken prism; he wanted to know if I wanted him to mix some indexed-matched glue to make the seam less visible.
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If I buy the Canon 0.95 in Leica Mount can I play with you guys?
Hmm, and now after seeing merciful's work with the 50 1.2 I'm tempted myself for one of those as well :p

Matanle says he finds the 1.2 less than satisfactory, and how he much prefers the 1.4 instead, but without trying... :rolleyes:

Richard, there was a thread in the leica forum on recently about how to adapt the 0.95 to M mount yourself.

Brian, long life superglue ! Except when it finds its way to my fingers, when I end with 10 thumbs all stuck together :D

BTW, didn't you have problems with the cyanocrilate fogging your finder after the glue dried ? Superglue is well known to do that.
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I'm almost too afraid to look up the spec's and user comments for the Canon RF's... Someone please tell me they are all overpriced and have horrible little viewfinders and I wouldn't be able to use any of my Jupiter lenses on them... please tell me its true! :bang:
They are actually pretty nice, and modestly priced. Laika, you should go out and get two.
I let the superglue dry and air for quite a while. I have not noticed fogging on prior camera repairs, but this is the first time I have repaired a broken glass prism! The top of the Canon 7 comes off in about 5 minutes using stiff tweezers for a spanner and small screwdriver. Finder fogging the the least of this cameras problems! The finder is accessible for cleaning though.

I love the 50mm focal length; nothing like a fast 50 for existing light. I also have the 85mm F2 J-9, Nikkor 85mm F2, Elmar 9cm F4, Canon 100mm F4, Nikkor 135mm F3.5, and Steinheil Culminar 135 F4.5 in LTM. I do not use wides very much. I keep the J9 and Culminar with the IIIf "Kit". I have yet to mount the Elmar onto the Canon, it is so "at home" on the IIIf. Did I ever post about my $50 Leica IIIf with Elmar lens and case bought from a pro camera store?

I would buy a Noctilux in Leica-M mount, and not the Canon unless you can get it cheap and convert it yourself. At $200 my F0.95 was a "steal"; at over $1,000 for a converted Canon F0.95 (on EBay!) the Noctilux is the answer.

ANY Noctillux user should feel free to post pictures on the Canon forum under the post heading "Brian, you know you want one of these and you already have the 60mm filter to go with it".
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deals, deals, deals!

how on earth do you manage to find these deals?

there is only one camera store in town here that ever has some of the stuff we talk about here and he doesn't have a lot of it!
and i think he has discovered ebay because his prices seem to be matching theirs lately.
the local junk shops, goodwills and thrift stores never seem to have any really good stuff.

i gotta move into a bigger city!!:bang:

Super glue can cause fogging, but unlike moisture or oil, it's permanent, at least on some materials.

You can make your own frosted windows like those used to illuminate meter dials by applying super gluw to the inside of a piece of clear plastic. Imagine what that can do to a viewfinder or rangefinder mirror!

By the way Laika, Russian lenses work better on Canons than Canon lenses on Russian bodies. My old Serenar 100mm/4 has a tongue-type rangefinder coupler that prevents it from mating to the Russian-style rangefinder cam. However, my 50/1.8 pre-Serenar has the ring-type coupler that allows it work very well with any LTM thread body.

Back in the pre-E-bay days, actually pre-personal computer days, alright then pre-video cassette days too., a lot of cameras store and pawn shopowners priced cameras according to the Olden/Wall Street/Cambridge ads in the back of the photo magazines. It was very frustrating because they wanted prices for cameras based on functioning graded equipment, but they were selling stuff that was usually broken or water damaged. Nonetheless, they would tell me that a Nikon F was Nikon F whether it was in New York or San Antonio, and that funny smell was just a musty case.

I'm glad those days have passed.
