nex5 and summilux 50 v3 in concert


Local time
2:15 PM
Feb 23, 2010







this IS flare!!!
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Great and seems to be a winner. Any crop especially the face of the singer to see how it highlight and any low light subject crop. Not pixel level peer but see how it fair up to a3 size. Thanks first.
Nice pics! The NEX's EXMOR sensor is as good or better in lowlight that any other APS-C sensor out there. Being able to throw that into a pocket with a little M prime is an outrageously good option for many. Heck, you could throw an M tele in the other pocket, and you're set!
Nice pics! The NEX's EXMOR sensor is as good or better in lowlight that any other APS-C sensor out there. Being able to throw that into a pocket with a little M prime is an outrageously good option for many. Heck, you could throw an M tele in the other pocket, and you're set!

thin tele-elmarit ftw!
I shot a festival with a Pen EP-1L and a variety of lens including SLR Contax 50/1.4 and Contax g 90/2.8. It is too bad the Sony does not have in-body IS, but these are very nice images.
iso auto (the camera choosed 1600 except for the img 6, that was 800 iso)

jpeg straight out of camera, "vivid" setting, in-camera denoise set to "low"

the lens was set from f1.4 to f2.8 and the shutter between 1/80 and 1/120

I think that a RAW shoot can be much better than those, I prefer granier shots, with less noise soppression.
I'm waiting for the lightroom update
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Sorry if this is a silly question, but how did u focus?


looking at the lcd screen in 7x mode :p

is the only way at the moment (no evf)

EDIT: OPS! Iv' noticed that I put "v3" in the title; my summilux is a V2.
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