Nikkor S.C. 5cm 1:1.4 Photos only

1956 Nikkor-S·C 5.0cm f:1.4 Japan LTM, Kodak BW400CN. Please, photos only.

Nikon Nikkor 5cm 1.4 S.C RF Z6 cruising grand june 2023 01_22 by Rafael Batlle, on Flickr

Not LTM, S mount same optics.
I have been using my 5cm f1.4 adapted via amadeo to m then a m to xcd to my hasselblad 907x. its actually really fun. just be prepared to crop because the image circle is a little small. makes some cool vignette. the second photo below is a little harsh vingette because I didnt want to crop it in so tight. first photo is at f4 and the second photo is f2 with the electronic shutter of the 907. 53493915941_196b950f3c_o.jpg85C4EECC-4A4B-4D85-9D14-AFC1BA73772B.JPG