Nikon 35ti Autofocus not working


Local time
9:07 PM
Feb 27, 2021
Hey Guys

I bought a Nikon 35Ti from Japan which is in really good condition.
Everything seems to be working just fine but the only issue I have is that the autofocus always jumps to 0.4m.
Manual focus works so I can set a predefined focus and the lens gets there.
I read the manual and googled the issue but didn't find anything regarding this issue.

I already opened a Paypal ticket to get my money back because the seller is sending me random YouTube videos saying i need to do what the video says.

Hopefully someone here has a idea what's wrong with the 35ti because I really want to keep it :/

sorry for my bad English -.-
Sorry to read your story.
In my opinion you should return it.
To the best of my knowledge no one repairs this model anymore.
Nikon will not touch it. I have a like new one, the shutter double fires. It was a big mistake buying it on my part. Nikon said they had no more parts. That camera went for around $1,000 when it first came out, I got mine new back in 2000 for a mere $500
Get your money back fast.
There is a camera repair person by the name of Pierro Pozella in the UK that may be worth contacting if you can’t return it. He has been repairing many of the high end compacts.
after many back and forth with the seller i'm sending it back...
Damn how can such a beautiful Camera be so useless -.-

But thx anyway guys!
Yeah, the old heroes are letting us down. My 35TI has failed for the second time. I'll try to clean the contacts once more, if that fails I'll have to give it up. Damn shame, that lens is possibly the best Nikon has ever made. Would be nice if it could be reused. And then my Contax T has winding problems, I get overlapping exposures. I took the top off it, but it's so packed with electronics that I got cold feet. I think some of the old mechanical compacts is the way forward for me.
There is a camera repair person by the name of Pierro Pozella in the UK that may be worth contacting if you can’t return it. He has been repairing many of the high end compacts.

I tried to contact him maybe two years ago, but got no answer. If someone suceeds in finding a repairman for these cameras, please let us know.
Damn shame, that lens is possibly the best Nikon has ever made. Would be nice if it could be reused.

I have been thinking about the possibility of porting the 35Ti and 28Ti lenses into Nikon RF mount 35mm and 28mm barrels (or at least a Jupiter-12 barrel). I don't have the technical skills to do it yet, but maybe one day. It would require placing the optical block into the barrel and probably fabricating a new mechanical aperture that can be controlled with the barrel's ring. Food for thought...
I have been thinking about the possibility of porting the 35Ti and 28Ti lenses into Nikon RF mount 35mm and 28mm barrels (or at least a Jupiter-12 barrel). I don't have the technical skills to do it yet, but maybe one day. It would require placing the optical block into the barrel and probably fabricating a new mechanical aperture that can be controlled with the barrel's ring. Food for thought...

I have seen something like that done in Japan, transplanting the 35Ti lens to another body. I remember it was a very expensive mod made by a Japanese expert. Unfortunately I'm not able to find the link ...
Yes Miyazaki of MS Optics used to make conversions of popular p&s lenses to M-mount. He doesn’t do them anymore though.
35Ti lens

35Ti lens

I have seen something like that done in Japan, transplanting the 35Ti lens to another body. I remember it was a very expensive mod made by a Japanese expert. Unfortunately I'm not able to find the link ...
Why bother? It's the same Nikkor 35mm 2.8 Nikon mounted on several of its SLR cameras and a couple of non-SLRs. A good performer, but nothing which would justify expending the time and resources of a custom conversion. If need be, recycle the lens in its "F" mount.
Why bother? It's the same Nikkor 35mm 2.8 Nikon mounted on several of its SLR cameras and a couple of non-SLRs. A good performer, but nothing which would justify expending the time and resources of a custom conversion. If need be, recycle the lens in its "F" mount.

The 35Ti was actually the first of the compact autofocus cameras with a Nikkor-branded lens. It was specifically designed for the 35Ti and is unrelated to the 35mm 2.8 lenses of previous Nikon compacts and SLRs. It is not a design you could fit a mirror behind. Traditional 6 elements in 4 groups double-gauss design.