Nikon FA focusing screen with fast primes?


Local time
9:04 AM
Apr 11, 2010
Hey all, I am planning to add a Nikon FA to use with fast primes when traveling. I currently use a Nikon F4 with the G screen for my 50mm f/1.2 AI-S and the E screen for my 35mm f/1.4 AI-S, but it’s large and heavy for overseas trips.

How is the split screen focus screen on the FA for these fast lenses? I would also use my 20-35mm f/2.8 zoom with it from time to time.
The split screen that comes with the FA is a K2. It worked well for me with just about any lenses I tried including the 58/1.2 Noct-Nikkor, the 85/1.4 and 28/2 AiS lenses. The F3 and F4 focus screen bonanza isn't available, obviously, but if you want to treat yourself the K3, E3 and B3 focusing screens that came out with the FM3A - all fit the FA and are amazing - substantially brighter than the 2 series screens and better for focus.

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I've considered getting the FA or an FG at times but in the end, to my mind, the F4 with the MB20 really isn't that heavy if I'm going with film anyway. Being able to buy 4 AA batteries anywhere more than makes up for the extra ounces but that's a personal tradeoff decision.

I have a E screen in my F4 that I use with all lenses, MF & AF.
The split screen that comes with the FA is a K2. It worked well for me with just about any lenses I tried including the 58/1.2 Noct-Nikkor, the 85/1.4 and 28/2 AiS lenses. The F3 and F4 focus screen bonanza isn't available, obviously, but if you want to treat yourself the
While I agree that the 3-Series screens are brighter, I found little improvement for lenses which are very bright from the beginning if at all. I would safe my money for this purpose alone but for slower lenses the improvement is substantial.
While I agree that the 3-Series screens are brighter, I found little improvement for lenses which are very bright from the beginning if at all. I would safe my money for this purpose alone but for slower lenses the improvement is substantial.
I found the 3 series screens a lot better with off-axis focusing with fast and slow lenses. As usual, how you find it may vary.
It's been a long time since I worked with Nikon SLR gear, but over the many years that they were my primary cameras, all the ones with interchangeable focus screens eventually ended up with type E (matte fresnel with grid) screens. Most of the focusing aids, microprism grids particularly, tend to get in my way rather than help.

Thanks everyone! I went ahead and picked up the FA and will see if I can grab one of the FM3a screens depending on how satisfied I am with the stock screen.