Nikon SP - how accurate is the built-in distance scale?


Local time
5:40 AM
Jun 10, 2019
Hey folks!

I have a Nikon SP 2005, with the original 35mm kit lens, and 50mm 1.4 Millennium lens. I shoot with the latter more often ... the viewfinder is just unreal.

However, I'm noticing that the distance scale built into the camera body is not so accurate. This is what is visible with a 50mm attached ... the 35mm lens has its own distance scale. I'm cross-checking with digital measuring tape + other lenses and cameras, and it seems off. Procedure:

1. Focus on an object with the SP, note the distance of the object according to the scale on the camera body (middle of the depth of field readout)
2. Measure distance with digital tape measurer
3. Compare 1 + 2

At closer distances (< 2 meters) and at infinity, it looks right. But at medium distances (6-10 meters), the readout on the body is off by about a meter. I recall my shots are usually in focus, but I haven't shot with this camera in a few months.

I'm wondering if this is just a cosmetic inaccuracy on the body ... does anyone else have this issue / artifact as well?

If the rangefinder is accurate at infinity (more than sixty feet or twenty meters away, it should be accurate across the scale. Use an regular measuring tape instead of a digital one. It is fairly easy to adjust the rangefinder for infinity setting.
more important
would be to shoot wide open ( 1.4 & 1.8) with both lenses
using the rangefinder to focus at different distances
examine the results to see if its accurate & in focus
thats really all that maters
I only ever use the focus scale on the lens or body
to set hyperfocal distance on the depth of field scale for smaller apertures
like to use the 28mm at f8 or smaller as a point & shoot type - event photography lens
even then I would set the infinity mark at 5.6 if using f8 to give some leeway
Rather than shooting on film with its added variables, Place a ground glass in the film gate and check the focus with a magnifier. Distance chosen with rangefinder should match ground glass image. If you have an interchangeable screen from either a Nikon F or F2, you can use that as your ground glass.