OLYMPUS MJU 760 from my Daughter


Bail out the Brits too !
Local time
11:03 PM
Oct 1, 2012
years ago I won an Olympus MJU 760 compact Digital Camera in a Photo Contest Judged by famous British Photographer David Bailey -- there were over 34,000 entries and the last 45 photos were enlarged, framed and shown in a gallery in London, where the prizes were given out. I gave it to my Daughter -- she has now lost interest as she uses her 'Gadgets' for taking photos and uploads them to 'Snapchat', Instagram', Facebook' and so on, so I have 'taken it Over' and done a few 'Street Photos' with it.
It has XD cards, now discontinued but I have several, 7.1 MP, various set 'scene styles', can do Video but cannot make a decent cup of English Tea--
Olympus MJU 760 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
MJU 760 03 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
MJU 760 01 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Mju are special. Mju 300 with its rounded metal body still makes me feeling good when I open it.