one lens - one camera - dear diary

back alley

Local time
12:34 AM
Jul 30, 2003
i am starting this thread and making it a sticky.

for ALL those proposing to last one year with a simple single set up...this can be a place for you to post your progress and your thoughts...who knows you might even convert some of us sticks in the mud...

and feel free to post your images as well...of course.

Dear Diary,

Without getting involved in the public display of humility, I started the one camera/lens/film challenge about 12 hours ago. I now realized that my creativity has been artificially stifled so I am hereby removing myself from the challenge. Yes, I am weak but firmly committed to making good images so it's back to my old ways. Good luck to y'all!
yes, well i will be a busy enough fella to keep me occupied.

what with the 1 lens and 1 camera challenge officially rolling!
I would say that the 1 lens, 1 camera body is not a purist approach to this Nirvana-esque goal.

Since the lens could come off, I propose that only fixed lens cameras be considered.
Dear Diary. Day one.The beginning of something unknown

Dear Diary. Day one.The beginning of something unknown

Since I am about to embark on a 1 year long experiment of just using one camera with one lens, I have to by default, use a digital camera on this one, if I am to allow for any photographic moment to prevail. But, I will use a Leica M mount lens to keep with the spirit of the challenge. (ZM 50mm f/1.5 C-Sonnar T*... I will only use f/1.5 as a further limitation)

I have been experimenting with the sacred "Film Noir Look" for a week or so... My images at the offset will reflect this for now.

I guess hellenhill and others have inspired this at the moment.

Taken Today... My start day.

I may not post an image everyday... but at least once a week.
I am not a traveler, so, my images are very local.
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I enjoy using some of these cameras too much to not use them for a year, but I really like the idea of this. I even have a fixed lens 135 that would be perfect, it's even a zone focus so I would learn a lot.... but.... I don't think I can do it.
Since I am about to embark on a 1 year long experiment of just using one camera with one lens, I have to by default, use a digital camera on this one, if I am to allow for any photographic moment to prevail. But, I will use a Leica M mount lens to keep with the spirit of the challenge. (ZM 50mm f/1.5 C-Sonnar T*... I will only use f/1.5 as a further limitation)

I have been experimenting with the sacred "Film Noir Look" for a week or so... My images at the offset will reflect this for now.

I guess hellenhill and others have inspired this at the moment.

Taken Today... My start day.

I may not post an image everyday... but at least once a week.
I am not a traveler, so, my images are very local.

well you're off to a great start, 'local' or not.
Could also drill a hole in your lens cap and use same lens as a pinhole camera too I guess, any more possibilities anybody can think of with just one single lens? :)
I will be in, just need to buy camera for it ;) Already have 28/2.8 Distagon for C/Y. Never used such wide lens daily, its gonna be real challenge.
Dear Diary,

Without getting involved in the public display of humility, I started the one camera/lens/film challenge about 12 hours ago. I now realized that my creativity has been artificially stifled so I am hereby removing myself from the challenge. Yes, I am weak but firmly committed to making good images so it's back to my old ways. Good luck to y'all!

. . . . . .


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