Orion-15 28mm f/6

David Murphy

Local time
4:40 PM
Oct 13, 2005
Does anyone here have experience with this lens ? I've heard a bit of good and bad, and have seen a few interesting pictures posted, but detailed shooting results or test results are scant. One of the virtures of the Orion 15 seems to be low price (for a 28mm LTM lens).
Prices may be low compared to a Leitz 28mm, but for a decent one the prices are high for a FSU lens.
I've had nime for nearly 40yrs, I used it with my Fed2,later with my Leicas and still occasionally use it with my Bessa. Camera Quest site states incorrectly that it does not fit the Bessa, it does! Mine is very sharp and distortion free and still in mint condition. I don't do lengthy tests of my lenses, either I like the image they give or I don't. I'm not into shooting test charts or brick walls!!!
A really good one is now difficult to find, Fedka is your best chance.


Note that it says the filter size is 49mm, that is incorrect. The LTM version is 40.5mm filter size, the Kiev version is 49mm.

The rarest ones are the Kiev fit version. (its not r/f coupled)
As I now have a CV Ultron 28 f1.9, I don't use the Orion quite so often. If you can find a good one you will enjoy it.
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Excellent lens. I used it quite a while with uncoupled Kiev/Contax mount until I got a Nikkor that was 1-2/3 stops faster.

Sharp. Good contrast. Good flare control. Acceptible vignetting that's on par with other designs from the '50s-'60s.
I have serviced one for another member and in the process ran a test roll with it. It wasn't very good at f6 but from f8 onwards, the results were quite good. It's biggest disadvantage is the price for such a slow lens. IMHO, they are only worth buying if you want to fill a hole in the collection. If you can get one for $100-125 it would be OK but typically they seem to go for the $200 and Fedka normaly charges about $250. For very little more than this ie $285, you can get a new CV 28/3.5 Color-Skopar ans second user about $200. At these prices, the Orion is very poor value.

I agree they're not a good value. I bought mine for about $100 at a photoshow in Germany in 1991 as the Soviet Union was ending. It's main advantage was that it is tiny and weighs nothing compared to the heavy chrome and brass Nikkor 28mm lens. It made an SP as compact as a point and shoot. I eventually got a black barrel Nikkor 28, which also is extremely light with better image quality.
Instead, consider a Canon 28mm/3.5. The Canon lens is optically better than the Orion and it is at the same price in many cases.

I have had three R/F 28's, its almost my standard lens!
I now mostly use the Ultron f1.9, its very sharp and does let me shoot in lower light, but it is bulky.
I like the Orion, mine is very sharp even wide open, and fitted to my Fed2, or Zaria, will slip into a coat pocket.
I also had until very recently a late coated Leitz f6.3 28mm Hektor, my advice on this one is, don't bother, leave it to the wealthy collectors, like the one who paid way too much for mine!! The Orion is a lot sharper, but no doubt the Leica mafia will now have me on their hit list. for saying this.:rolleyes:
Nice shots. From a user point of view, this lens is best compared to the Leitz Hektor 28/6.3 from the 1930s-'50s that is now a collectible. Canons from the 1960s are probably the best affordable solutions for someone one a budget. But the Orion is an interesting and capable lens with a history. I don't know how its optical formula compares to the Leitz Hektor.
I really liked mine and I regret selling it. It was was slow, but it was pretty sharp stopped down (f11) and had very little distortion. It fit in small pocket and was quite light. Mine was very good mechanically.

I sold it to buy an ultron 1.9 but I've never really made friends with the 28mm FOV.... I'm happier with a slow 21 and a fast 35 in my bag.


plain Orion-15

pre-series KMZ

The Orion is an amazing lens indeed.

A high level of details and hardly any distorsion. If you can cope with the f/6, it will make you very happy - even on an M9.