Pentaxians... Any out there?

started my photography with pentax few years ago, had many k mount lenses, sold most of them. still have 15, 31 and 77 limited and some older non pentax k mount. bodies k7 (digital), mz-5n and spotmatic sp-1000 (with 55/1.8 kit). now they are mostly shelf queens, since leicas are in the house...
An excuse to post something... Using a 645N primarily with the P67 SMC 55mm f/4 - a very sharp lens across the entire film


Some shots from it on HP5






am having some bargain Takumars 28/3.5, 55/1.8 and 135/3.5. real joy to use, no plastics anywhere. focus is smooth as silk.
I've got Pentaxes in all sizes, Q, Spotty, K3 and 6x7 and love them all!

Those Takumars (both m42 and 6x7) are really incredible!
Lovely examples and your description of Pentax is as good as I have heard - beautiful drawing, lovely colours, black and white rendering is smooth.

Pentax Spotmatic, ME Super, MX, KX, 645N, 6x7 and 67II. The main point about Pentax is the drawing of the lenses - super mellow stuff, great for portraits. The 645 N is the greatest bargain if you couple it to non autofocus lenses, such as 55/2.8, 75/2.8 or 105/3.5.

Pentax 50/1.4
20133418 by mfogiel, on Flickr

20133415 by mfogiel, on Flickr

Pentax 85/2
20136502 by mfogiel, on Flickr

20132131 by mfogiel, on Flickr

20132101 by mfogiel, on Flickr

Pentax 645N+ 55/2.8
MF20130104 by mfogiel, on Flickr

Pentax 645N+150/3.5
MF20122815 by mfogiel, on Flickr

Pentax 67II+135/4
20130203 by mfogiel, on Flickr
Since 1968. SV, S1a, SP 1000, SP F, K2, KM, K1000, MX, ME Super, Super Program, SF10, ZX5, K-01, and K5 IIs, and just bought a 645 to replace the one I sold in March. I use my old M42, K, M, and A lenses on my digital cameras, too.

K-1000, Pentax-A 50/2

Crane's Roost condos by nrparsons, on Flickr
My first "real" camera was the Pentax SFX my father bought for me new in Japan. I still have and use it, and it is still my only full-frame SLR. I've added a few prime lenses recently, and in fact just ordered a K5 DSLR so I can share lenses between film and digital.
Spotmatic, MX and KX 35mm SLRs, 67ii medium format and K20D and K5 digital. I do not take much 35mm film, but I enjoy using my K28/3.5, K30/2.8, A50/1.2 and FA* lenses on my DSLRs. The 67ii system plus Pentax DSLRs fitted with old Pentax primes has been my outfit for the last five years.

I love Pentax:D
My MX still gets regular use, usually with the 40mm f/2.8 SMC-M. My 645N had one of the best control systems I've ever used; the 645 I replaced it with when it died, not so much - but it still works well and is a pleasure to shoot. I've passed on all my screw-mount Pentaxen apart from an SP-II that my kids play with, but I do remember them as being fine cameras with some lovely lenses.

I don't regret giving away the 6x7 - I found it awkward to hold and its viewfinder wasn't the best; but oddly enough my biggest disappointment has been my K-5: great handling, perfect size, lovely primes, all marred by an A/F system too slow and inconsistent really to do them justice. Sad to say that it only comes out when the weather turns nasty, while my lowly Olympus E-PM1 often comes out to play.
A lot of my old SV shots, taken with the 55/1.8 when the camera was almost new, just aren't very sharp compare with later shots. They're also rather flat. My current 55/1.4 is better. But my 85/1.9 is delightful -- though the shutter on the current SV now isn't closing completely.

I always thought that the SV was a much nicer camera than the Olympus OM, and a lot more ergonomic.

The thing is, I use fewer and fewer cameras nowadays. I just grab the ones I'm most used to, because I care more about getting the picture than playing with the camera. That's why I've not had the SV fixed.


I use my Pentax 645 manual-focus camera, with 45mm, 75mm, 120mm macro, 150mm and 200mm lenses, all the time. Very high quality camera and lenses that produce excellent image quality. Easy as a 35mm camera to use but provides significantly more sharpness, detail, and image quality.

Unfortunately, I can't scan medium format to show examples.
Add me to the list.

Asahi Pentax Spotmatic F, with SMC Takumar 55/1.8, Bushnell 135/2.8, Sigma 28/2.8

Spottie F
by Richard Wintle, on Flickr

Asahi Pentax ME F, with Auto Chinon 50/1.9, Kiron 28-210/4-5.6, 2x teleconverter, battery grip/winder, M42-to-K adapter

Pentax ME F and friends
by Richard Wintle, on Flickr

Spottie photies:
ME F photos:

Really enjoy the simplicity of the Spotmatic even if the meter in mine is kaput. And I like the ME F - since I shoot in aperture priority most of the time on my DSLRs, it suits me nicely. The grip really helps balance that big Kiron lens. And having the M42 adapter is ace since I can use the lenses for the Spottie on it as well. :)
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Another Pentaxian. Yes, we are all "out there"


It's just that threads like this create market demand - good for sellers but not so much for those with sudden bouts of GAS.
Currently own a Spotmatic SPII with SMC 55mm/1.8 and ME Super with M 50mm f1.4. I was able to pick up both for peanuts at a local thrift store. Both are a pleasure to use - though the Spotmatic has the sticking mirror issue at slow speeds. The ME Super is a particularly underrated, excellent camera.

If I didn't have a full stable of OM gear I'd probably be firmly in the Pentax camp!
Pentax 67II with 45/105/165mm lenses-so I'm also a partly a Pentaxian (and a Nikonian, Contaxian, etc....)
My very own first SLR was a new K1000 back in 1976. I can still remember the smell of the polystyrene in the cardboard box! Bought an SPF on a whim and found it disappointing. I'd got too used to the F and F2 viewfinders. Had an MX since but it was too small and the LED's were dim. Next up was a serviced K2 with a k 50 1.4 and yes, I should never have sold that one!
I would definitely like one of these 50's converted for use on an M.
Count me in. I bought a K 1000 in 1980 with a 50mm f 1.4 and used it for years before my son swiped it. Also bought an LX, and just picked up an ME Super from the classifieds here, mainly to get another 1.4. Great cameras.


A mechanical marvel. Not encumbered by batteries or electronics. Prefered by Neo-Luddites everywhere.


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