petri color 35 rules

Carlos Cruz

Local time
11:32 PM
Sep 10, 2006
I am waiting for arrival of lesser cousin of my petri color to act as organ donor. Shutter blades on mine are broken beyond repair. So bought AE version from RFF member and waiting for arrival.
bad news

bad news

The shutterblades are different so I end up with camera I don't really want, you know this feeling don't you? And my petri is still dead:bang:
That's too bad.

I can't recall ever seeing a Petri Color 35 "fixer" on eBay,
but good working ones appear there regularly,
usually selling for for around 100 US Dollars.

Good luck.

Better than a rangefinder?

Better than a rangefinder?

The Petri Color 35 is tiny, has a retractable lens, and was "popularly priced",
so it's understandable that it doesn't include a coupled rangefinder.

I find the distance scale visible at the bottom of the finder far easier
to see than the dim focus patch typical of most compact RF cameras.

The 40mm lens has enough DOF to cover most focus miscalculations...

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