Photographer Oliver Hihn and His Landscape Photography Through a Vintage Camera’s Viewfinder


Yay! Cameras! 🙈🙉🙊┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘ [◉"]
Local time
3:33 AM
Oct 20, 2006
Reminds me of the Flickr “TTV” Through The Viewfinder group. This was a “thing” a few years ago, attaching a light-blocking chimney to a waist-level viewfinder and digital-snapping the resulting scene.
Reminds me of the Flickr “TTV” Through The Viewfinder group. This was a “thing” a few years ago, attaching a light-blocking chimney to a waist-level viewfinder and digital-snapping the resulting scene.
Oh cool. I was thinking of exploring this but sounds like it’s been done. I’ll check them out though. Thanks.
Gimmicky. On the other hand if someone did something similar but a shot of a ground glass from an 8x10 demonstrating complex LF camera movements for an architectual or product shot at least it’ll be interesting.
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Instagram has loads of pictures of the image on the focusing screen from above the waist level finder of a Hasselblad. it’s cute the first time you see it.

The import of this work to me is that the photographer has the same view his father had and shows this view. Can’t see that he would skimp on the cost of a roll of film and developing as the only justification for his project. And maybe the camera no longer works.
I actually quite like the images. It's not the first time I've seen it done, somebody else was posting photographer's eye view shots of an Exakta VX500 on flickr about five years prior to Hihn doing so. It's a bit meta in highlighting the mechanical aspect of photography which is usually (ideally) eliminated from existence in a photograph. Aside from the concepts behind it, the VX500 is IMHO, one of the best looking cameras ever made.