Photos with SuperAngulon 3.4

Well, it's just my excuse to buy a M7......

But also me not knowing that the M2 and M4-P got AE. Forgive my ignorance; I got into photo shooting seriously only about 4 months ago......

Oh mg I got badly formulated sentence there. I meant if you can live without AE :) Myself, I'm happy with external meter Gossen Sixtomat. I use this on old Rolleiflex from 1932, M3, M4, Rd1 with SA, Rollei 35s with broken internal meter. Yeah rd1 is only the body which has Ae, but I use manual mode and external light meter instead. I want learn to think with eyes and brain. Also this make it easier to check aperture and speed when I look on the body not through vf. At this way, I get total control :)
Oh mg I got badly formulated sentence there. I meant if you can live without AE :) Myself, I'm happy with external meter Gossen Sixtomat. I use this on old Rolleiflex from 1932, M3, M4, Rd1 with SA, Rollei 35s with broken internal meter. Yeah rd1 is only the body which has Ae, but I use manual mode and external light meter instead. I want learn to think with eyes and brain. Also this make it easier to check aperture and speed when I look on the body not through vf. At this way, I get total control :)

No it was my own fault, since I left out the "but" in your sentence.... Yet I just found out that it might be my mis-reading from googling M4P.

I got the Gossen meter too, mine the Digisix. Amazing little tool. I used it with the Contessa and did not miss-judge any shot in the first roll.

I also want to train myself into a human light meter, but since photography (or more accurately, photo taking) is really only my hobby, I think I'll just stick to AE.... :p (Also the fact that I love the design of an M7.)


super angulon

super angulon

i'm really enjoying the super angulon photos you're posting. lots of good ideas for when mine comes back from lubrication and 6-bit coding. re pricing, i consider myself lucky to have found a chrome 3,4 with both original caps and lens shade for $1300ish.

from the few shots taken around the neighborhood before sending it away, i think this one begins to have the "look". in CS3, i picked up a white and black point under levels, and added minimum sharpening, so the image is not heavily modified.

greetings from hamburg

Great photos, everyone. But can someone tell me or even post some examples from SA as to how it handles flare? With sun in a frame? right outside frame? Directly into the sun? Thanks
LCT and deepwhite - i adore you both. both sides of the story are greatly appreciated -- i just wanted no offense taken...

eta: if i could find a 21mm that drew and glowed like my 50mm pre-asph Lux.... :D

Well, what I think you are looking for is : - check out this thread, post # 24.

Nothing against SA - I too love what I see from it, but I think it's not the only beautiful lens. ;)
Super Angulon 3.4

Super Angulon 3.4

I was under impression that the SA 3.4 and 4 were not compatible with the RD-! i use my SA 3.4 on an MP-4P

Your recent posted pics ahave caused me to try out SA on RD-!

Would be keen to now how you sort out the exposure as the SA projects so far into the RD -1 unable to meter?

I realise can meter externally using hand held meter etc

Your comments would be appreciated

It's bound to have a different "signature" than a recent Leitz lens. It's a Schneider design and the design is half a century old. I can't confirm it but I've been told that at least the glass was made by Schneider. I should really use mine more often, but my little 15mm Heliar is just so much fun!