Questions about enlarger lenses


Negativistic forever
Local time
11:08 AM
Oct 14, 2006
I have two ROGONAR enlarger lenses (50 mm f=1:2,8 and 75 mm f=4,5) in very good condition. I also have three other lenses with evident signs of use. Despite their cosmetic condition, the apertures seem to work fine and the glass is clean:
  • Steinheil Cassar 50 mm f=1:3,5
  • Meopta Belar 105 mm f=1:4,5
  • Vivitar 105 mm f=1:4,5
The negative carrier of the old Durst enlarger does not accept negatives larger than 6x6 - and that is the larger negative format I intend to use.

Question #1 – Is there any advantage in keeping the 105 mm lenses? This may lead to next question

Question #2 – Will I get good prints from 6x6 negatives with the ROGONAR 75 mm ? Or should I look for another lens ?

Question #3 – With the ROGONAR 50 mm , should I keep the Steiheil Cassar ?? Is any of these two clearly better than the other ?

Of course, I know I should try all the lenses and compare the results but I would apreciate some opinions – that may save me some time, chemicals and paper. And I know that there are some lenses much better than the ones I have, but for the moment I intend to get some practice with these before I upgrade.

Thank you for your opinions

I'm not familiar with specifics of any of these lenses, so I'll assume they are all equally good and comment only on the focal lengths.

The "classic" focal length for printing from 6x6 negs is 80mm, but that 75 is almost certainly designed to cover 6x6. You MIGHT get a little bit sharper result from a 105 on 6x6 because you're using only a central area of its coverage, but you also might find out that you run out of bellows if you're trying to make a small print.
Thank you Mike
One of my questions addressed precisely the suitability of a 75mm lens for a 6x6 negative. I will try it anyway and compare the results of the 75mm with both 105 mm lenses (with the same negative).
I will decide later which lenses should go.
Best regards
The Rogonar 50/2.8 has a very good reputation Joao. I have owned and used one and found it to be excellent. Have you checked it for fogging? That happens easily to older enlarger lenses, and it has made the one I bought in the 1980's unusable. I have no experience of the Steinheil. Also from my experience, you are better off using the 50mm lens for 35 negatives. They seem sharper to me.
John Mc
Thank you John
I intend to keep the Rogonars if the 75 mm proves suitable for the 6x6 negatives, The other lenses are (or they seem to be) quite old. On inspection their glass is clear.
I will test them anyway.
To answer your question two Joao, I used my 75mm Rogonar for my Hasselblad 6x6 negatives and it was very good. It had become foggy over the years but I was able to clean some of the lens elements through a filter recess it had in the side of the lens.
John Mc
Actually the 105 will have the disadvantage of needing to raise the enlarger head higher for the same size image on the paper easel as compared to the 75. For larger prints or for cropping the 75 is the way to go. While a simple 3 element design the Rogonar is still produced by a first class optical company and should provide acceptable results especially if stopped down to f 8-11.
I'm not familiar with specifics of any of these lenses, so I'll assume they are all equally good and comment only on the focal lengths.

The "classic" focal length for printing from 6x6 negs is 80mm, but that 75 is almost certainly designed to cover 6x6. You MIGHT get a little bit sharper result from a 105 on 6x6 because you're using only a central area of its coverage, but you also might find out that you run out of bellows if you're trying to make a small print.

And column height if large prints. Fix is to turn column around for large AND EXTENSION TUBES FOR small prints.

6x7 negs probably will not work in enlarger.
If you want to try sticking the 105s on a bellow unit with a Mirrorless or SLR as a macro lens.

I'm more of an Ektar and El Nikkor fan myself. I know that the were lots of good enlarger glass out there over the years, but El Nikkors were the favorite of many.

B2 (;->
Which lens to use is dependent upon your enlarger, how big you want to print and how high (read far away from the paper) can you get your enlarger head.

There are some 40mm enlarger lens out there that would allow you to make a larger print (11x14) with a shorter enlarger. Plunk a 105 on it and you will only be able to make a 4x5 perhaps.

B2 (;->
Thank you for the input.

The enlarger is an old Durst 606 and I plan to use mosly 18 x 24 cm paper (maybe up to A4 size). Larger prints are not in my plans.
I have found compatible lensboards that fit the enlarger (it was not not an easy task !). And as I already have the aforementioned lenses, I will start using the two Rogonars.

My initial post was intended at getting some experience-based opinions about the other lenses. I will try them later, anyway.
