Reasons to get an M246 or M 10 Monochrome for Black and White Photography?


Local time
4:49 PM
Oct 28, 2020
I'm retired and hopefully planning to do a lot of travelling next year post-Covid. I'm trying to decide what of my camera gear to take with me, to do a lot of street and portrait photography.

I'm debating what the best option is for low light black and white photography in bars, restaurants, street scenes, etc..

I tried the original Leica Monochrome about 5 years ago, but returned it. I couldn't see why you would use a digital camera to shoot black and white if you had film cameras. Since then, the M246 and M10 Monochrome have come out and I am wondering if they will perform better in low light than one of my film Leica's pushed to 3200?

What can you do on a digital Leica that you can’t do with a film body? The only advantage I can see is that the latest sensors are more sensitive in low light than any film that I know of, but other than that, are the only advantages the convenience of having a digital image almost immediately?
