Renting a Leica Q, get it tomorrow.....


making soup from mud
Local time
3:00 PM
Aug 15, 2012

Renting a Leica Q for 7 days, receive it tomorrow, while I expect it to be a very user friendly/fairly short learning experience & straight forward camera experience. Just looking for any insight to maximize my time w it.... I am afraid I may not want to give it back!

On the fence of upgrading x100 to x100f, being its my only digital- The Q looks very tempting, if it had a 35mm vs the n28 it would be a done deal...

Thanks in advance! Daniel
I take it you have already appropriate SDHC cards?
I'd select single focus AF mode, you can move the focus point with the cursors on the back. Auto WB, auto ISO and "A" and go.
... eh and yes, your wallet might get angry afterwards:D.
Have fun and show some pics.
The 28-35 difference means a lot to some (including me), but not to others. It'll be interesting to see how you get on with the Q. Aside from the FoV (I can't live at 28), I found the Q to be a tremendous camera.
I had a 28 Elmarit-M a couple of years ago and never liked it.
On the M9 or MM my most often used lenses are 50 and 35mm.
But I love the 1.7/28 on the Q. Just get a step closer;)
icebear, ramosa... Thank you!, just received it a few hours a go, it is a little tank- meaning well built- feels right in my hands and menu layout minimal-logical, give it a go on the street tomorrow (though rain tomorrow)..... thanks again!
where did you rent one from?

i live in san francisco and would love to rent one and try it?

please let me know?




Here are 4 images from my rental, I got hit with rainy/lousy weather most of the week I had it(few weeks ago), the top 2, that going was buzzing past, look at his beard and the sharpness of the beard-he was running past and I got 2 shots off...
here are my thoughts:
going into this Ive never liked a 28mm, I prefer 35&50... by the end of the week, I was getting the 28mm field of view, I could make it work-
AF is very fast, very F'n fast & accurate. The camera is all about (for me) reportage/stealth-very quiet, silent and this is coming from my only digital is a x100. color/wb is really nice. The monochrome: there is a really nice out of camera B&W. (the top 3 I posted is from Silver Efex BUT just to my liking on contrast etc), the 35 & 50 in camera while at first I ignored it, it is handy to view the image at 35/50 field of view- the camera is built solid but perfect weight/felt great in my hand. the lack of buttons while nice, I did find myself in the menu more often on the street versus my x100 And last but certainly not least the lens is killer- its all about the glass right? Nice job Leica!
my only dislike is the position of the video button- hit it a lot in the first half of the week but had to keep conscious of it and of course the $price is tough to deal with- while I loved it, even used its about $3700-3800 thats a lot of money.... I have the original x100 and in the market, was leaning towards the x100f BUT I don't know

AND BTW the manual focus is spot on....
Have you rented an x100f by any chance? In all honesty it's a totally different beast than the X100 - way more usable.

Not yet, but for the rental fee (which is MUCH less than the Q) I will be renting one- this coming weekend is crappy weather. While I expect to get a different end user experience, that lens on the Q left quite an impression on me and the quickness of the AF.... let you know what I find-thanks
interested to see Daniel's take on the new Fuji compared to the Q

x100f looks like great value at 1/3 of the leica

have to disagree with DrMcCoy re the Q vs XP2/XT2 AF though. for me, the Q is faster in any light, near or far, and the face detect/multipoint feature implementation on the Q is top shelf.
interested to see Daniel's take on the new Fuji compared to the Q

x100f looks like great value at 1/3 of the leica

have to disagree with DrMcCoy re the Q vs XP2/XT2 AF though. for me, the Q is faster in any light, near or far, and the face detect/multipoint feature implementation on the Q is top shelf.

Fuji x100f coming wednesday/ 4.26 for a week... let you know
OK- returned the x100f rental last Thursday which was back to back comparison to the Leica Q and consciously waited to let it all sink in,. First off the images I posted, IMO could of been made with my x100, hands down. Though the x100f is much faster the the orig, specially from sleep mode (which is where I lose most shot opportunities & most annoying thus I always am half pressing the shutter to keep it awake), the accuracy of x100f is better. Acros on x100f is nice to have BUT not a deal maker, hated the ISO in SS speed dial though kept one setting for the week:200-1600 with a min SS of 40 (which I do on my x100), turned off the pointer ability versus half press and reframe and of course same lens which for the cost of upgrade is disappointing to get the same lens. Comparing the Leica Q & x100f: the Q's lens in fantastic, AF, build quality was very impressive and the simplicity (despite I seemed to have to go into menus more on Q, they need a button or two) to me is the winner but at $4250 versus $1300? Not at the moment for me, that's a lot of money. If a 35mm fixed lens they might of hooked me versus 28 though I would make it work, even used they are selling the Q for $3800-3900. And to spend $1300 for faster AF and of course double the MP 12-24 but the x100 works for me and I still shoot a lot of film-wish I left the x100f with a have to have it- So I will detach from the decision for a bit- Thanx!! D.



Appreciate your thoughts, Daniel. Fuji is so competitive on value, only way to go with the Q is for its remarkable lens quality.