SD card reader for iPhone 7


Local time
11:05 PM
Mar 11, 2011
Hi all,

I recently picked up a Fuji F60fd to replace my ageing F31fd, a camera that I used as a small in size / high in quality CCD sensored pocket carry (for the days when I'm at work and don't want to carry an RF). Now that I have the option to use an SD card instead of the old XD card from the F31fd I thought it may be handy, and fun, to have a card reader that will couple with my iPhone 7. I remember reading comments on here in the past where people mentioned doing this successfully and I was hoping you may be able to suggest what hardware / software / apps you are using to get the job done?

I'm aware that Apple make an official Lightning - SD reader, and therefore assuming there are also cheaper ebay/amazon options. Is it worth paying the Apple premium?

What apps do you use to view and import the images to your phone?

I had a fairly good Photoshop Elements app on my iPhone 6s that I will probably look for again in order to do basic editing.

Any suggestions or experience would be much appreciated. I'm not looking to replicate my professional practice in any way, this is just for the fun of taking stress free images while I'm out and about.

Thank you.
You can purchase jump drives that have lightning on one end and usb on the other. I have a couple of them.

Another option is to buy an external hard drive that works with wi-fi for backup. I notice some routers are available with hard drive backup.

Or you can upload to various places like Google.

I use my iPhone and iPad for fun photography and I’m not concerned about putting the files someplace else.
Thanks Bill.

I was aware Apple make a small SD card reader with a lightning cable for iPad/Phone that I'll probably pick up.

As good as modern phones are for simple photography I seem to have a part of my brain that just doesn't like using them. I love the look of the older Fuji CCD sensors, especially for monochrome work. With the F61fd making the jump to 12mp there's more resolution to play with than the F31fd should I happen to take a fun snap that turns out to be something I'd like to use.

When I'm on the road it would be great to get files to my phone, do a simple edit on the PS app, and then have the option of uploading them to Instagram etc. I often use Instagram as a kind of middle-end-game sketchbook where I can record things quickly before using them as a reference to go back and shoot them 'properly'.