Sedona with Leica M8 and Summarit-M 35/2.5


Local time
7:23 AM
Jul 8, 2009
Some photos from Sedona, a hiking paradise






Sedona is a beautiful place to visit. Your M8 with the small sized 35/2.5 should be light enough for hiking. Your posted images look very nice and the colors look natural. Thanks for posting here. Did you use any filters such IR cut filter?
Very pretty pastel colors. Overall many of these look a little more "HDR'd" than I prefer. More contrast (at least viewed on my screen) would have done some good.
Sedona is a beautiful place to visit. Your M8 with the small sized 35/2.5 should be light enough for hiking. Your posted images look very nice and the colors look natural. Thanks for posting here. Did you use any filters such IR cut filter?

Raid, You are very welcome! Sedona is my favorite vacation place for hiking and photography. It is beautiful! The filter is Heliopan IR cut.
Beautiful location, nice photographs .

Those cliffs and mesas photographed closer up always remind me of ancient weather beaten eroded bas-relief carvings, sometimes with a Pharaonic Egyptian feel to them.
Sedona with Leica and Summarit
Business jet circling to approach airport will go right over my head...
From your nice pictures it seems a beautiful place to hike and photograph. Just curious, is it hot? I have this feeling...
Robert: I have traveled in such locations during summer, fall, and winter. I found it too hot and too crowded during the summer months.
Those are beautiful shots. I'd love to visit there someday. I think you hit the right balance between shadow contrast and showing the vivid colors of the rock formations.
Very pretty pastel colors. Overall many of these look a little more "HDR'd" than I prefer. More contrast (at least viewed on my screen) would have done some good.

Thank you for your advice!

The midday light in Arizona high desert is very harsh, shadows are almost black, so I lowered contrast and pulled out the shadows a little bit, may be too much.

Let me try to push contrast a little bit. Does it look more natural now?

I have a near mirror of your first photo, though it looks a little later in the magic hour then yours was. I can assume that your photo was from hiking up Castle Rock?

I have noted that in this area, buildings tend to have neutral colors and earth-tones so they blend more easily with the landscape.