taking the plunge into digital

MP Guy

Just another face in the crowd
Staff member
Local time
10:19 AM
Jul 28, 2003
I just ordered an Epson 7600 24" wide printer. I have seen some results from the printer and was very impressed. For the most part, I dont see doing anything larger than 20 x 24 from my medium format camera. But, this looks like the way to go for this size or smaller. I will post my experience with the printer when I receive it.
You got me scared, Jorge... for a minute I thought you had really "gone digital" as in ordering a D1 or the digital Rebel or a Leica Digilux or some such thing... Not you, I thought... :rolleyes:
No. as long as I can scan a negative from my leica or Mamiya, I will not own a digital camera. Plus. I love rangefinder cameras too much to give them up.