The 40mm M-Rokkor CLE [some snaps]...

The composition and juxtaposition of stillness vs movement which both pictures are sharing. Simple and creative, enhancing story telling IMHO... voilà !
Thank you! Like everyone else, I try to become a better photographer and I really appreciate feedback!
Lookin good!

Lookin good!

This looks like yerba buena gardens, fom 3rd Street. Nice
These photos are great. Anybody got a 40 rokkor they wanna part with?
Lots of lovely photos. I particularly like the umbrellas and the umbrella in the rain.

I have two 40mm ... the M-Rokkor 40/2 II from the CLE and a Voigtländer Nokton 40/1.4 MC. I use the M-Rokkor 40 on my CL body the most ... it has the right framelines for it ... and I use the Nokton 40 on the M9 and GXR-M about interchangeably. I filed the frameline cam in the Nokton so that it brings up the 35mm frame lines on the M9, which seem to suit the actual FoV pretty well for my eyes (with glasses). On the GXR, it's more a 'long-normal'—one of my favorite focal lengths on APS-C format.

It's hard to go wrong with one of these lenses. Let go of the frameline issue, learn what the lens sees, and just go with it. :)

Leica M4-2 + M-Rokkor 40mm f/2
