
Is it really a surprise that different cameras operate differently? That is sort of why they are different. A couple of years ago I bought a new car. I had to learn a different way to turn on the windshield wipers and seat heaters. Heavens to Betsy, the gas tank filler-upper place was on the opposite side, and they hid the hood release in a different place. You have to be flexible about these things. If it is a problem for you, don't change cameras. You probably don't really need to upgrade anyway.

Yes, but the steering wheel basically functions the same, break in the same place, gas pedal in the same place. Different manufactures focus different directions, same for apertures, they move them around to (front or back of the lens.

In a fast evolving situation those difference have made the difference with me getting the shot I see or not. I like to think it's muscle memory, but it could be I'm just dumber than my Village Idiot. As I wanted to carry longer glass I found myself changing from Leica as I could not afford Lecia SLR glass at the time and really only like the EF body in the canon world.

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