Voigtlander Nokton 50mm/1.5



Dear Friends,

If you have the Voigtlander Nokton 50mm/1.5, could you give me some information on the lens? How is the lens in terms of construction, optical performance and general handling characteristics? I thought of getting a short-telephoto but like the versatile nature of the 50mm focal length. I have heard that the Nokton is a very strong performer and would like to hear from some first hand experience. Richard, if you are reading this please do something as I am about to shop for lenses again! :D
Peter....it's ok....talk to me...

What are your current focal lengths?

Do you really need it...or do you just need...something new..?

How about instead of getting a new lens...try a new film brand or two..shoot some slides, cross-process?

Experiment with a photo project (self portraits in public restrooms? ;) and spend some time setting up a photo gallery (I really like pbase.com myself) and go through your own photos, sort them and categorize them into sub-galleries. That may also lead you to realize if you really need another lens as you feel there are shots you are missing - or don't like the persective you're getting with your current line of lenses.

Step away Peter. Spend 20 bucks on a pbase - or equivalent site - account and really go through your photos as you publish them there - and ofcourse invite all of us to come over and have a look :)

Step away from the lens....
Peter, it's wonderful you can call upon such a supportive friend as Richard! He makes some excellent suggestions.

Going back through your pictures, categorizing them and looking for patterns is a great idea. I've learned a lot that way.

Now, about missing shots, & perspectives... You did have a CV 50mm didn't you? Dismissing optical qualities like contrast & sharpness, were there other things about 50mm that were less than satisfactory? Maybe seemed too long or too short, never just right?

Bring back the memories that led you to sell the 50... And consider that the Nokton is only a tiny bit faster than your 35 Ultron, is bigger and heavier, and sticks further into the viewfinder. Some Nokton users report coming to hate the harsh bokeh...

Too many focal lengths on hand can be a curse, wasting brainpower over relatively trivial choices. Keep it simpler! The 35mm is a great "normal" focal length, a universal favorite. Don't you also have a 75, for those longer occasions?

There! I hope I've hit a suitably sour note to reinforce Richard's wise counsel.
..and I believe some users have noted that the lens smells bad as well
Yeah this Nokton stinks!

Obviously it hasn't been watching its diet too since it is a big fat ugly lens that will block 1/8 of you R2 viewfinder. Even if you take off the hood, you still have this monster blocking part of the VF.

Bottom line: stay away from it. I'll sell mine special for you for US$1 but shipping cost to Singapore I believe costs around US$299.
Thank you guys! I am feeling better now as the craving has subsided and I am more rational now! Actually I use to have 50mm and 75mm focal length CV lenses till in a fit of madness I sold them away to concentrate on the 35mm focal length. I love the 35mm focal length as it is very versatile and forgiving in focusing. But there are shots that a slightly longer focal length would help. I really like the CV 75mm that I used to have but I have heard about the fantastic reviews on the CV 90mm. In an earlier thread on the CV telephotos, I decided to get the 90mm but the 75mm extra 1 stop really helped in the past in low light situation. :(
Of all the NEW lenses out there, this is about the only one that I come really close to buying. I have read nothing bad about it. It has an external focus mount for the Nikon RF's, something only the 50mm F1.1 does as well.

But it will have to wait; one of my low bids hit an M2... for about the same price as the Nokton.
Peter, the 35/75 combo is really sweet, and both give you good speed. I have the CV90 and love it, but I have to have decent window light or take portraits outside. I'll likely add a 75 one of these days to make available light portraiture a little easier.

Here's a thought. For 50mm, pick up a Jupiter 8 to play with and add an M-mount adapter. At f/2 it's a good available light lens and it would give you a 50mm to play around with and test.
