Walz Envoy M35

Local time
12:27 PM
Jan 15, 2011
Just picked up this unknown sleeper of a rangefinder, a Walz Envoy M35, 1958-1960.



I picked it up at an antique store for $35 the other day. It's mint condition (after I wiped a bunch of red dust off), with a selenium meter, coupled shutter speed and aperture(!!), leaf shutter and a 45mm f1.9 7 element lens. I love this camera, I think the finder needs a cleaning but it shoots great!
I too owned the meterless version. It's a very nicely made camera.
I found the EV-coupled aperture and shutter speed controls a PITA.

I assume the M35 f/2.8 version isn't a Sonnar? In addition to my Envoy 35 (still haven't taken time to sort it out - too many other projects), I have a M35 with the 2.8 lens. Its in my list to run a roll through shortly.

No EV coupling but I'm guessing the lens probably isn't as special.
Wow thanks on all the feedback! I've tried to pop the top but under the film counter theres a weird ring with the advance shaft coming up the middle, with a slit on each side. I've tried thin nosed plyers and teared it to hell and back. I don't want to do any more damage so i'm waiting till I fashion a proper tool... I'm thinking cutting the middle out of a flat-head screwdriver might do the trick.

For those that have had them, how clear is the rangefinder when cleaned? I can hardly make out the image overlay in some cases even when bright out... there has to be a lot of contrast.

Here it is wide open on some crappy drugstore brand film, I'm quite impressed... but then again I kinda knew it would be good based on the lens spec.

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I bought one of these from the classified here last week.
It's a very nice little Camera. For the first time I like using the EV sync on the shutter/aperture rings.
It's got that sonnar love going on! I'm looking forward to better light and more careful exposure and development.

Below are a few pics from the test roll. I was out on Lopez and only had very hard water to rinse with. One small splash of "purified water" to do a final single tank wash. Lot's of gunk.
I'm glad i went through with it as it revealed the pressure plate is scratching across all my negs. I'll remedy that issue. Glad I did not load another roll!
Also, I can see that I need to use a shade at all times and maybe even add a hand for extra shading in strong side light.
Other than that it's a joy to use and looks fantastic. The first images although a bit rustic look promising!

Borrowed half case from one of my OM's and gordy strap

All are from first roll. Hp5 shot at 100 and souped in Kodak Tmax Dev for 6mins at 68' with normal agitating of 30 secs and then one inversion at every minute. Scanned on Coolscan LS50



f2 at MFD



f2.8 not very sharp with poor light








Once you get that sorted out, Andy, it should do you well for quite a while. Great set of photos, even with the scratches.

Thanks PF .

I think I have the "scratch maker" sorted out with a bit of buffing to a rivet holding the pressure plate to the spring.
I used a fingernail buff. Never though I would actually hold one of those in my hands :p
It worked perfectly.
Film loaded and away we go again to test another roll!
I love the handling of this guy. I almost wrote little guy but that would not be accurate (it's about the size of an M3).
So, is it or is it not a Sonnar lens, the 2.8/45mm lens on the M35?

I've received a Walz Envoy M35 through last years X-mas Give-away thread but have hardly shot it at all... yet! :D
It's a sonnar. f1.9/4.8cm. Let's see some from your Johan :D
Aside from the nice rendering (although I think a bit soft.
The handling is quite nice as the lens protrudes very little compared to other lenses this speed.
Plus it's a 50 (or close) while most fixed lens models are 40mm or 45mm .

mine's a 2.8/48mm indeed, not a 2.8/45mm.

In fact, it's in a box over at my parents now but I feel compelled to pick it up soon and shoot it, now that I've read this.

Anyone that can comment on the notorious Sonnar focus shift? That is omni-present in Russian sonnars, but was nearly completely absent in all wartime Zeiss sonnars I used to own at some time or another. And, according to users of the Nippon Kogaku sonnars it's less of an issue with those lenses too.
Does the Walz Envoy sonnar suffer from focus shift? Any close-up and wide-open shooters here that can shed some light?
Are you sure f2.8 ? Mine is f1.9. I don't know if they had a f2.8 sonar version or not.
As far as shift. I only had this first roll so far. Most taken at f4 . I noticed no focus shift so far.
I loved the smooth operation of my Walz Envoy but hated the EV shutter.
On mine the 48mm f/1.9 lens was good but not great.

Funny thing is Chris.
Usually I hate these synced up EV systems.
In this Camera it works very silky smooth. I think I can make good use of it.

Turns out i was correct after all, my Walz Envoy 35M does have an S Kominar 2.8/45mm lens!

The lens is clean, but the RF could do with some cleaning. Now lets see if I'm man enough to disassemble the exposure meter on the top...:D

EDIT: I was done fairly quick with that since there is no DIY pictorial on the net available anymore since the demise of ZIforums.com.

Also, the 2.8/45mm version does not have the EV-system, I can set any combo of shutter and aperture I darn well like...:cool:
Cool Johan!

I wonder the optical scheme in this f2.8 version. I guess a tessar type but only because f2.8's from that era in these little cameras often were.
Does the top plate have any diagram. Look below at the pics of the Sonnar f1.9 version of the Envoy 35.
It's an interesting line of Cameras. I never though much of Walz as a Camera maker.
Until now, I have a bunch of filters from them for my Rolleiflexes and a 40.5filter for my old Contax and that's it.

