Weekend Photography Plans: What are you up to?


Dad Photographer
Local time
4:30 PM
Nov 2, 2005
Which photography equipment will you be using this weekend?
What will you be doing?

I may take the CZ Sonnar 5cm/1.5 out for a spin, plus the Canon 19mm/3.5. The weather is OK so far.
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Whee!!!! Thank you for restarting this thread, Raid.

Since I've got my Contax & Retina at Eddie's Spa, it's a T90 weekend. Since I'm using that for the 2 week challenge starting Wednesday, I figure I might as well get started.

William: The T90 is super cool. My 85/1.2L was just returned from a Spa month with Eddy.

I will be soon choosing the equipment for a one week family trip. MF and SLR is also considered as I may need long lenses and a macro lens to capture animals and plant life.
Well, I had an event to shoot last night in SF, so digital for that since they'll need the files this week... for the rest probably the M3.
Although I have 1/2 a roll in the super ikonta I keep meaning to finish too...
The weather here's not BAD, at least from the standpoint of upstate NY where I grew up...but it IS raining, so not sure how much fun photography I'll get done outside.
But w/ a 7wk old son, I'm sure I'll find something to take pictures of, right? :)
Lens tissue and an umbrella. Chicago is damp,cold, with dirty half melted snow and real cold due soon. Then it will snow.

I will clean out my camera bag and call it good enough.
William: The T90 is super cool. My 85/1.2L was just returned from a Spa month with Eddy.

Is there anything Eddy doesn't work on? :) Of course that just reminds me that I need to get myself a nice short tele for my FD kit. Probably the 85/1.8 as it's probably the best cost/performance tradeoff for me.

Have fun on the trip!

I used a Leica IIIc + Summitar and a Certo Super Dollina in freezing temperatures this weekend.
I'm going to develop a roll of Neopan 400 shot @ 1250 (35mm)...going to play with the developing of this roll...I saw a thread in here about using warmer than normal temps...
Then I have another roll of Tmax 400 (120) I might do that one normally...

If all goes well I might set up the darkroom and do a little printing...
What are you up to this extended weekend?
I took photos with a Bessa T and a Canon 85mm/1.5 at the beach. I also used four Rolleiflex TLR cameras just to get them out and get used.
Yesterday, I used the M3 with the 35mm Summicron with TMAX100.

That's all.

Tell us about your weekend.
Still sticking to Canon SLR - the FTbN I recently traded for is a delight with my 50/1.4 SSC or 35/2 CN. But I spoke to Eddy on Friday and he was finishing up my Contax then, so the good lord willing, I'll have it & the Retina in hand for next weekend.

My first two rolls this weekend (incidentally, this year too!): ERA 100 film in a Leica M3. Unfortunately, since I was careless with the temperature during processing (HC110b, 7mins by the way) the emulsion started to crack up, and I have a dry lake bed effect all over the film. Trying to recollect my development process to see which was the part that had cold to warm water transition which might have caused the cracking.

What a start to 2009!
I wonder what I would do with my Contax cameras if I got a LTM-Contax adapter?

William, would you keep the IIa and IIIa?
Spent time testing my new 35mm Biogon today at a local greenhouse with my daughter... great light in there and it gets me out of the cold. It's humid in there and they grow a lot of orchids and there's a big banana tree. In the evening I had a coffee with fellow RFF member, Nando and played with his 24mm Elmarit (again).

Tomorrow my wife and I are both off (which is rare) and we'll probably do something fun as a family.

I tend towards the II/IIa cameras as I don't like the look of the meter on the III/IIIa cameras. While I would love to have a Contax mount camera with a working meter that will only happen when I win the lotto & can buy a Bessa R2C & a SC 28/3.5.

However, aren't most of those adaptors only good for 50's? Or do you only have 50's?

For $250 you can get an adapter that allows you to use any Contax mount lens on a LTM or M camera. It could save money if you like Zeiss lenses and modern LTM cameras.
That would probably be a good buy for you, Raid. I'd be better off saving for that R2C ;) I can barely afford to stay in Contax which is why I sold all my Leica LTM & M mount gear. Pity I couldn't afford that IIa :bang:

Which adaptor are you looking at?

Raid, I believe that there is a limitation on the Contax mount lenses that can be used with a Contax/LTM adapter. I have an original Orion brand Contax/LTM adapter, and find that I cannot mount lenses such as the post-WW2 CZ 35/2.8 Biogon, pre-WW2 or post-WW2 CZJ 35/2.8 Biogon, the Nikkor 35/1.8, or the 21/4.5 Biogon using the adapter. These lenses will not mount on the Orion adapter due to the diameter of the rear lens element. The pre-WW2 CZJ Orthometar and post-WW2 CZJ Biometar will fill mount without problem on my Canon LTM cameras using the Orion adapter. Adapters by other makers may be different, though;). Testing may be in order.

I have a couple of non-focusing adapters in both Contax/LTM and Nikkor/LTM that work just fine with the various Zeiss 35 and 21mm lenses and the various Nikkor S-mount 35mm lenses.