Will Kiev and Fed camera prices go up thanks to Putin?


I see that the well-known, reliable camera repairman Oleg Khalyavin announced he ceased activity and closed his workshop, announcing he and his family are going to leave Russia and emigrate: OKVintageCamera

All the best,

Enzo (E.L.)
I have a 1936 Contax II that I held back sending to Oleg when the troop buildup began. When and if he re-emerges with repair service, I’ll send it out.

I have a working-really-well 1956 Kiev II that I would never consider selling. It even has “Made in USSR” stamped in the accessory shoe.

Will the market price for Russian cameras go up - I am certain they will.

I can’t own a Mig 17, but I certainly can have the Kiev!
Contrarian view would be that people are dumping their Russian made equipment in disgust and that might keep prices down. It would not affect the Ukrainian made gear though and prices will almost surely go up for that segment.
I would not worry too much about getting mail from Ukraine..... A month or so back I bought a book from a seller in Kiev and just got it a few days ago, by way of Odessa, to USPS carrier, Jamaica, NY, Birmingham, AL, Scottsboro delivery to PO Box. Have to admit I was a little worried but the seller and Ukraine Post came through....TYG!
I answer late after your post, so you maybe found already. Anyway quite some people still do it in Europe.

There are quite some in Poland. I recall one in Krakow outside downtown, I guess just called Fotoserwis, one in Łodz, and there have to be in Warzsawa anyway. You have to deal with polish. Just google.pl in polish to fish addresses.

In Tallinn, Estonia, a guy used to do, but last time I was in contact he told me he was not longer interested in fixing them, besides an issue can be availability of some parts but you can try, he can communicate in english : https://fotoremont.ee/en/eng/ .

In Ukraine I dealt with this guy from Dnepropetrovsk, who does all kind of cameras, he used put online partial video insights of repair jobs, and he sells full detailed commented step-by-step disassembly/reassembly of some camera ( I bought the one for the Kiev-60): http://fotoremontnik.ru/contacts in russian only (and possibly ukrainian too).
Postal service is worklng but very slow and there's some risk of worse in case full scale destruction of hubs and bridges is launched..
Have you contacted Arax to check they are working? No particular reason not. Also, and possibly some of the guys subcontracted by Arax for repairs, outside Kiev, these people with that Ebay shop, do also repair. In fact what they sell is stuff they have overhauled or fixed: https://www.ebay.com/str/yuretsperfect being on ebay they can communicate in english.
Of course same issue with postal service.

around the corner, in Transnitria, ie. deserved by postal service as Moldova, these Ebay shop, they do sell Salyut/Kiev that made overhaul, themselves or local technicians. Could ask: https://www.ebay.com/usr/www_tirasphoto_com

In France you can ask here: https://appareil-photo-argentique.com/index.php/infos-pratiques-contact/

There are of course some in Russia but there's the payment system issue.

Thank you, I missed this when you posted it. Very helpful. I pulled mine out the other day and found that it had jammed -- it was partially wound and will not budge. No idea how this happened -- I think I would have remembered this happening! Oh well. I think I will wait until things get back to normal (sort of) in Ukraine. It's well worth getting fixed.