xpan adapter for T?


Local time
9:09 AM
Jul 1, 2008
after recently having a brief, but torrid, love affair with film (once again), I've ended up with a complete set of xpan lenses. unfortunately, the time lag between capture & the viewing thereof is driving me nuts, so I'll be selling my film bodies soon. I don't develop my own film & nobody in my small town still does such things, so I end up having to send my films to Dwayne's in Kansas. They do great work, but it's nearly 2 weeks before I see my results (barring any holidays, such as our recent US Thanksgiving which has drawn out my most recent 7 rolls more than that).

so, I've been reading all about the Leica T today. Very interesting camera and very thin, many adapters for legacy lenses appear to be available, but I have not come across an xpan adapter via google. Does anybody know if such an adapter exists? Or are there technical reasons which would prevent such an adapter from existing?


About keeping the camera, I almost always color negative film and get it processed locally in 2-3 hours, scan it and work on the scanned images on my computer. I haven't seen adaptors for other cameras, but try doing a deep search on google to see if anyone makes them.
Thanks, I will keep searching. I've been doing a lot of B&W in addition to color, and there are local options available for color, but not B&W. :-( But perhaps I should consider going all color, since the TX2 is such a unique beast! Truly love working with the platform, no doubt about that.
the fuji xpan lenses are great, but why would you want to use a 45 f4 lens on digital when there are so many great 50s available 1-2 stops faster? it just seems like a 'square peg, round hole' thing.

well, there's also a 30/5.6 and a 90/4 that are also superiorly inferior to modern lenses (I suppose?)...but on the other hand, there's also the *do it for no other reason than because it's possible* notion, which is what gets me out of bed every day. sorry to be rude, but in an age where near technical perfection can be had with the Star Trek communicator in your pocket (well, not quite yet, but fear not, that day is not so very far into the future), sometimes the aim is not what is simplest and most straightforward and "technically" better. believe me, I've used the entire photographic gamut, from the finest to the crudest ever devised by man...and, still, my current aim is to pound this square peg into that round hole just to see what happens...for no other reason than any dark corner that I haven't shone that aberrant light into, so far, is on my to-do list!

abandon boundaries...outside them is where the good stuff lives.

I got duct tape in my kit...and I've used it in the commission of photography.

Lighten up, yo.

funny that you took my comment to point you towards 'modern' lenses. that was wholly not my intent, and as i re read my comment several times, i cannot find how that can be inferred. i also see no need to 'lighten up' as it was just a simple freaking question--sorry to appear rude. but there are scores upon scores of 'better' lenses made over the last forty or fifty years than the 45/4 or the 90/4. frankly, i couldnt care less what anyone wants to do with their equipment, so go for it and enjoy. i was just trying to make some sense of the desire and thought you could provide something i overlooked, but obviously no sense is to be made. in the end perhaps the lack of sense it makes is why you cant find an adapter. food for thought. SIGH
mercy...confounding those without imagination seems to be my gift. if one has certain pebbles in one's bag, one tries to find uses for them...and sometimes one asks questions of others who might also possess the same or similar pebbles. not looking for judgement of the notions, just the experiences of those who might have trod the same (or similar) paths previously....which you obviously have not. wasn't looking for hypothetical suppositions or food for thought...just relevant experience with similar parameters.

seriously, never mind.