Your Favorite Street Photo You Made

I always have a hard time choosing between these two.


It's not film.... it's not RF


This is one that I took in Bangkok back in July 2010.... There was a photo shoot in the middle of a wet market........ Klong Toei.

This was part of my self discovery trip that made me return to film..... and I haven't look back since
A new favorite, shot on Sunday night; this stray cat appeared at our local market, took up residence on the bench, and talked to everyone who came by, and happily received any and all head rubs:


FED-2, I-61, AP400, Tmax 1:4, Epson 4490 scan
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Hey, Riverman, a river rat here.
I don't know how to transfer directly from flickr to here. but here is another technique:
1) save the pics you want posted in your computer.
2) size 'em to to 200kb or less.
3) start a gallery here and up load 'em.
4) then you can copy and paste from your gallery to appropriate threads.

1) start a photobucket account.
2) upload some photos.
3) copy and paste from the bucket to the appropriate threads here.