Comments Received by IK13

269365View photo
Photo 269365
Photo by IK13
🕐 01-27-17 20:27 wrote:
169390View photo
After the storm
Photo by IK13
🕐 10-21-11 11:23IK13 wrote:
Quite a few boats were damaged to some degree that day if memory serves. Most of them while just sitting in the marina. This one washed on the beach. I know nothing about sailing, but was told that it was anchored perhaps only a few hundred yards off the shore and in conditions like that it is actually better to be way out there in the ocean...
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82169View photo
Photo by IK13
🕐 03-27-08 13:59 wrote:
wow ! yesterday I drove near a similar place, with many yellow cranes against a blue sky and I was thinking what a pity not to have a camera with me !
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