Anyone inspired to photograph after watching a movie

I dont get inspired to shoot still photos after watching a movie, I get inspired to make a movie, and then have to swallow it down. Many years ago I made 'arty" pretentious short films with other arty pretentious young people. Sometimes it sneaks up on me and grabs me by the throat....

The wrrrrr of an old Arriflex and the silence in front of the camera...and the unexplainable team passion that infects film crews. People will walk through fire for a film. I cant compare it with anything else, the level of enthusiasm that reaches everyone if they think they are doing something worthwhile.

...I get inspired to go and take photos after I read a good book actually...
Annie Hall: for the the sequence early on where Annie and Alvie are exchanging artistic insights in an attempt to impress one another (whilst providing a simultaneous translation of how pretentious they sound to themselves with each would-be gem). Reminds me of my own endless cringe making efforts to sound like I'm not just 'winging it' when I've had a camera in my hand and an eyeful of a pretty woman I'd just fallen for. Last time it worked though, cos she's been my photographic 'muse' these last few years, and soon she'll be my wife . I guess we both just need the eggs...
Terence Malick's Days of Heaven (1978), set in the Texas Panhandle but shot in southern Alberta (where I live), captures the distinctive quality of "magic hour" light on the Canadian prairies to perfection. The great cinematographer Nestor Almendros won a well-deserved Academy Award for this one.
Wong Kar Wai

Wong Kar Wai

Any the films by Pedro Almodovar and Wong Kar-Wai w/ cinematographer Christopher Doyle. I really appreciate the art direction of both directors.

Another movie of recent is "Closer". Julia Roberts did not inspire me. But the camera she holds did :D

Ditto on the luscious color of that fil and for b&w, an old one by Antonioni: " L,Eclisse". Lots of noir films also.
Lawrence of Arabia - Sweeping, epic and saturated.
The English Patient - Such a time! Lovely atmosphere of adventure.
Casablanca - Needs no introduction.
I don't know that any make me want to go out and start shooting, but Cabaret and The Spirit of the Beehive are 2 movies (aside from Kubrick's)that stand out for me with regard to mood, lighting, and overall "look" of the film.
There Will Be Blood is gorgeous,too --and a fantastic movie, to boot.
Generally sweeping epics or character driven movies. Most recently it's been:
  • The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen).
Others include:
  • The Bridge over the River Kwai
  • Casablanca
  • Full Metal Jacket
  • Lawrence of Arabia
Hollywood has gone to the lowest common demoninator when making films, so nothing much of recently crosses my mind
Closer starring Julia Roberts

Closer starring Julia Roberts

Using an M6 and having a large studio and a big exhibition! But does anyone know where Julia Roberts got her Shoulder bag for her camera?
Lots of great stuff in this thread.

For me:
Rules of the Game
Blow Up
Wings of Desire
Dead Man