
AAhhh. A line of FORTRAN. I was just coding in FORTRAN yesterday. And assembly today.

The best way to get some film-like effects is to post-sensitize your SD cards by leaving them under a Hot-Glass Summicron. It's the equivalent of holding your Ektachrome slides to a candle to bring out some wild colors.

An EMP will cause parity errors in Core memory, but the punch cards should be okay. Unless the ink is metallic. Then it will catch fire.
An EMP will cause parity errors in Core memory, but the punch cards should be okay. Unless the ink is metallic. Then it will catch fire.

Very handy information there. All this modern technology is great but if there was a holacaust, none of it would work, so we'd all fall back to analogue.

By the way, I'm having a real nightmare running CS4 on my ZX81. Was working fine until I added the 16K Ram Pack. Runs great on the PET though. A real powerhouse.

Help !!!
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I have a Microsoft FORTRAN-80 compiler, V3.44 and ASM-80. Use it on a Xerox 820-II, wrote my own image processing software for it.

Have you ported CP/M to the Sinclair ZX81 yet?
You'll be amazed at what stand development can do to your image. Just open it up in your monitor and then leave it be for an hour or so. Grab a beer and a hearty meal in the meantime. You'll be amazed at the difference it'll do to you pics. Its subtle but its definitely there...
You'll be amazed at what stand development can do to your image. Just open it up in your monitor and then leave it be for an hour or so. Grab a beer and a hearty meal in the meantime. You'll be amazed at the difference it'll do to you pics. Its subtle but its definitely there...

Try leaving the image in your monitor for 1 week for that `burnt out` look.
Lomo are planning to release that Chinese camera that takes floppies. Light leaks AND corrupt data! They say it will cost $800 though.
I've been taking them out in the bathroom with the lights off.

Found out the Honeywell Dryer is required after washing, before putting into the card reader. The print dryer was a bad idea.
Come on folks we need to get this sorted out :
At the bottom line: What's your recommendation for temperature (30,60,90C?)and final spinning cycle for the washer, just careful 600 rpm's or full speed 1300rpm ? Maybe it's best to start a poll on these :cool:.
SanDisk SDHC are best in ID-11. Lexar SD require Rodinal for best pre-sharpening. If trying HDR, I can reccommend HC-110 - but *never* prewash a SD card with raws on it - it will dilute :angel: the upper 8 bit of each color !!!!

I recently mixed in my darkroom some rolls of 400Tmax taken with the ZI and a Sandisk extreme III of my M9 and processed both in Tanol speed :bang:. Tmax came as expected (great tonality, well defined but fine grain), the sandisk in GIF - can you imagine??? :eek:

Bah. Floppies and Diskettes are OK for occasional snaps, but you cannot beat the punch card. Fully mechanical and just check out the grain:

Outlawed in Florida, and don't call me Dangling Chad.
Does anyone else keep there SD cards in the fridge to extend the life of the card?

It doesn't extend the life of the card! It does speed up file writing times. Best to use a Dry Ice bottom plate on the camera while doing this.
Keith has the right idea, but he didn't go far enough: the floppy disk is the format of the future, mark my words. It beats the puny formats available today, hands down.

I do watch my agitation, though. I stand develop in very low concentration electrons.
The trouble with medium and large format is the reduced number of shots. Medium format CF cards aren't so bad, but I draw the line at one JPG per floppy disk. Some people take great pleasure in spending an hour setting up a shot for large format but I much prefer miniature format SD for not missing shots -- even if the little cards have poor tonality and large grain.

You know the quote. `FAT32 and be there'.
Try pre-flashing your card. I find a bare 75 watt bulb for 5 seconds works well.

Best regards,
