

Local time
4:26 PM
Sep 2, 2009
Is it advantageous to pre-wash your SD card before development? Some people on other forums say it reduces grain and increases colour depth...
Use a compensating timer so that it will run faster if the temp increases during a printing session.

Having moved on to CF cards I look back on SD and wonder why people bother with that puny little format.

I get much more detail and less grain from my CF images!
Keith has the right idea, but he didn't go far enough: the floppy disk is the format of the future, mark my words. It beats the puny formats available today, hands down.

I do watch my agitation, though. I stand develop in very low concentration electrons.
Keith has the right idea, but he didn't go far enough: the floppy disk is the format of the future, mark my words. It beats the puny formats available today, hands down.

I do watch my agitation, though. I stand develop in very low concentration electrons.

Are you talking about 8-inch large format floppies? or the measly 3.5 inch ones? :rolleyes:
I have been thinking about going back to tape. Sure there is the reels and all but the control, latitude and also going back to vacuum tubes is the best ever.
Three more posts and we'll back to a sketch pad and stick of charcoal I reckon! :p
Floppies are great for 5X7 contact prints. However, my local store don't stock them anymore. How about your area ?
Sony will stop producing he floppies in the next few months so stock up while you can or try ebay.
I chuckle at you SD users. Do you not know that a nuclear pulse will erase your precious photos?

There's only one answer, people: iron core memory, the choice of the post-apocalyptic photographer! Nuclear wars be damned, I'm gonna keep taking pictures!

Three more posts and we'll back to a sketch pad and stick of charcoal I reckon! :p

Aren't we all forgetting the finest format. Wax Drums?

Not so good in a holacaust though . . . :p

When using SD, I miss out the bleach.

P.S. Keith. Very creative avatar there and ever so extratestical (sorry terrestrial). Though I should point out you seem to have cut yourself shaving. I would love to see a larger version of this.
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Bah. Floppies and Diskettes are OK for occasional snaps, but you cannot beat the punch card. Fully mechanical and just check out the grain:
This thread is out of control. the original post was about pre washing sd cards and now we are talking about different formats.