What camera are you carrying RIGHT NOW?

Canon Elan 7e with a roll of Legacy Pro 100/Acros that's had to be in there for well over a year. I can't remember the last time I used that camera.
Yashica T4 Super, that I just paid all of $3.99 CDN for a the local Salvation Army Thrift Store. I'll hunt down a battery for it tomorrow to see if it actually works; if not, whatever, maybe I'll find a use for the new battery.
...about to head out to a fair/festival for 8 hours with my 5D Mark III, Yashica Electro 35GT & a 5lb tripod. a bit worried that i may not make it home alive. D;

edit: scratch that. decided last minute that carrying the tripod for 8hrs would be suicidal. bringing a chestpod & extra lens instead.
Wanted to use my pen f 40f1.4 this week... But really not into working with half frame negs these days, it is on the nex5n today..

carry all the time camera evolution

carry all the time camera evolution

Gee, it has changed so much.
From Konica S3 to Olympus clam shell then on to digital.
Canon S70 to Panasonic LX3 to Panasonic GF1 with the 20mm (40mm equiv)
So, right now--- my newest Constant Companion: Sony NEX 7 with Sigma 19 (29 equiv) and Sigma 30 (45 equiv).

So far am liking the Sony but not so much that I am not questioning the purchase----the GF1 was/is quite satisfactory.

Oh well, TWO walk around cameras to like...that's not so bad.
Next month they both go to Paris...Nikons are staying home.
M9 + UC-Hexanon LTM 35 f2

A pre ASPH Summilux and a Canon 35/2 LTM are in the bag as well for a little comparison, while checking out the new Hex.

I will dig a little and see, if I can find my 35 Summicron ASPH as well, to throw it into the bunch …