What camera are you carrying RIGHT NOW?

These festive days I'm in Italy, north and south. In my pocket always a Canon S100. Depending on the subjects in the bag is the Hexar RF (with Ektar 100), the Fuji X100 or the Vectis S-1 (with Fuji Nexia 200).
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My "main" camera today: Olympus EP-2 with Super Rokkor 45mm f2.8 LTM.
My "backup" in the car: Leica IIIa with J-12 (35mm f2.8) and Voigtlander bright finder (and Ilford FP-4).

I'm hoping to put a CV 15mm f4.5 super-wide Heliar on the Olympus soon. I'm very interested in others' experience with this combination (the CV 15mm lens on any micro 4/3rds body).
M7 0.58x with preAsph Lux 35/1.4. Using the preAsph Lux b/c I put in Tmax 400 film to help moderate the contrast but kick it up a notch.
leica m6 + voigt 35 1.2 II loaded up with acros, still trying to test out 1.2 in a real world situation so I am trying to shoot slow film for a bit
I'll be outing tomorrow with my super old 16mm Kiev 30 since I ran out of 35mm film :eek:
