Leica M Monochrom: best pics

Thank you they are super clean. I believe I did add a little noise reduction but not much.


Personally, I actually kinda like the noise from the MM. Looks kinda like tri x processed in an acutance developer like Rodinal. Keep posting please. Your processing looks good. :D
Dave, I agree with Dirk your processing is fabulous, maybe some day you can share?


Jim, thanks. I'll be glad to share what I know.

Generally here's what I do...

I basically pull the highlights and shadows, black and white sliders in LR. Then I tinker with the curves, being mindful not to push too much shadow or blow highlights - just enough to give a punchy B&W pic... That's it, nothing really fancy, I just inherited this way of processing similar to how I did on the Nikon D800E .nef files, it somehow worked for me.
Some shots from today:



Thanks for your comment,
I missed the departing train by 5 seconds, so I had some time to walk around on the platform and the light/shadow caught my attention. Usually everything happens for a reason;).

Just like what Allen said, #2 is very nice... And yes, everything happens for a reason! Cheers Klaus!

Nice shot. I love the sharp detail in the hat. A year or two ago we had a discussion about shutter speed for street shooting. I prefer it when I can shoot 1/250 minimum, and others agreed. I reckon with digital that should be 1/500 minimum. With the Monochrom that should be easy. What was the shutter speed here?