Sources for Minox 8x11mm film, processing, printing?


Cameras. I has it.
Local time
11:06 PM
Aug 27, 2019
Yes, I know Blue Moon sells, develops, and prints Minox 8x11mm film.

Is there anyone else? Anyone? Anywhere in the world?

I know some people have slit 35mm and spooled it into the canisters. I suppose it wouldn’t be too difficult to make such a slitter. Unless a Minox developing tank and enlarger can be found on eBay or elsewhere, how would someone develop and print from these negatives? I suppose a flatbed scanner might work.

I actually like using these cameras - I have a Minox II, III, IIIs, and B and they’ve produced nice results.

The Minox developing tank is the way to go. Doesn't even need to be loaded in darkness. The Minox slitter is nice as well but of course that and loading the cassettes needs a changing bag or dark room. Others make slitters too.

Flat bed will sort of work and you can scan a bunch of shots in one take and then crop it up into individual pictures later. But with the tiny negative and flatbed quality this suffers compared to other methods.

Don't have many samples but this was Minopan 100 that was shot like 21 years before finally developing in HC110 and scanned on a LS8000.

This was fresh FomaPan 100 developed in HC110 and scanned on a v500 flatbed. Actual scan was about 1/3 the resolution, I exported from Lightroom at roughly same size as LS8000 scan for a better comparison.


Using a flatbed for proofing/selecting shots and then using a macro setup at greater than 1:1 could be interesting.

As an aside. I think the old Johnson Universal tank could accomadate minix film for developing, if you can't locate a Minix tank.
I kept a search for Minox developing tanks on eBay for about a year. Grabbed a like new full Minox kit for $57 a few months ago. Looks like it has rarely been used, if ever. Got my slitter on Etsy. I've used my Epson flatbed scanner for decent results.
I got into Minox on a whim, a nice clean IIIs came to me cheap about a decade ago. Since then it’s been pretty much a do-it-yourself sort of thing as far as film and developing are concerned. Modified old Yankee plastic reels to make a push in developing reel that will take up to a 24 inch roll. Made my own pull through slitter to get two rolls side by side from 35mm. Bought NOS film on ebay to get cartridges, have about 8 now, and that has been the only affordable way, at least for me, to shoot 8x11. I don’t make up 50 exposure rolls, just stick to short, 25 exposure rolls with ample leader and tail lengths. That way a 36exp. roll of 35mm will yield 6 Minox loads.
Come to that, pretty much all film shooting is DIY now days, unless a person has lots of disposable income and time to wait on the mail service.
Great information, everyone. Thank you.

I didn’t realize the submini group was still active. I’m impressed.

I can’t get to Goat Hill Photo - I keep getting “Server not found”.
Click image for larger version  Name:	image_113951.png Views:	4 Size:	427.5 KB ID:	4776095 Yes that subclub site is “like that”. Tough to get into somehow, I used Yahoo as search engine and the link I posted works for me. Here’s a screenshot:


  • 5CBBEA5D-E654-4CB9-AA6D-1D5791FF976D.jpeg
    322.9 KB · Views: 0
Yes, I know Blue Moon sells, develops, and prints Minox 8x11mm film.

Is there anyone else? Anyone? Anywhere in the world?

I know some people have slit 35mm and spooled it into the canisters. I suppose it wouldn’t be too difficult to make such a slitter. Unless a Minox developing tank and enlarger can be found on eBay or elsewhere, how would someone develop and print from these negatives? I suppose a flatbed scanner might work.

I actually like using these cameras - I have a Minox II, III, IIIs, and B and they’ve produced nice results.

Really nice collection! I only have one IIIs and did buy a binocular adapter because it was cheap and would let me use the camera on a tripod with a cable release. Also my series 5 contrast filters can be held by the clamp if necessary.
To convert 8x11 negs to digital I use a 55mm f2.8 macro adapted to a 4:3 camera and with extension tubes. The lens focuses to 1:1 so needs to be extended past life size to cover 8x11.
Pull through slitters are not too hard to build with basic woodworking shop tools. One important bit is a 1/4 inch dowel with a 9mm deep slot cut in one end with a razor saw. Stick the film in the slot and spin the stick, letting your fingers ride on the edge to keep the roll tight. Pull it off the dowel and slip it into the feed chamber, snap on the top and the rest can be done in room light.
I got full set for Minox gear once. My conclusion:
Enlarging gives better results than scan. Minox original enlarger is cute, but not necessary. You could get film holder for regular enlarger and wider than 50mm enlarger lens.
I could enlarge Minox negative under huge 4x5 Omega enlarger.
Original Minox developing tank is odd, to say at least. Use modern alternative.
The odd thing about that old Goat Hill ad is that Minox 8x11 film is listed as ‘9.5mm’ but it is really 9.2mm. That .3mm difference doesn’t seem like much but 9.5mm won’t fit. I took great care with my home made slitter to get as close to the correct size as possible. There isn’t much margin for error. Home made pull through razor blade slitters are not as precise as a roller cutter but can be made good enough to work.
Pal_k: Regarding film for camera like Minolta 16, there is a person on Ebay "jrdnmrk" who sells the film and cassettes but I am not sure of processing. I have bought from him a long time ago. FYI I think the Minolta S model has a little larger negative size than the earlier cameras, maybe 1/3 larger, Imhop significant. I have some color 16 negative film but it has a coating "rem-jet" and so I was unable to get processing after the first roll in Orlando at Colonial Photo. Best of luck.
Tom S.