Digital Black and White.

I do miss being able to shoot natively in black and white on digital so I suppose it is inevitable that one day I will buy a Monochrom. My problem is that I prefer to shoot in RAW due to the flexibility that is offered for post processing. So photos I posted here (below) were shot in RAW then converted in post.
But recently I remembered an older digital camera that I own that has been shelved for a few years - the Panasonic L1. This camera was, in its day, almost an icon though it had a few shortcomings due to the technology available back then.
But I particularly recall how nicely it always rendered black and white images. There was something about the Panasonic firmware that handled this especially nicely and which they seem to have dropped the ball on in more recent cameras. (The images were in .jpg format of course but nevertheless its black and white rendering was amongst the best I have experienced till Leica's Monochrom came along and provided RAW files in black and white.)
So, at least I hope to soon be able to post some shots taken with this Panasonic here in this thread. Stand by.......................but in the mean time if any have some L1 images in black and white I would like to see them.

Not to throw cold water on your Leica M aspirations but any of the current crop of mirrorless will allow you to shoot RAW but see in BnW. Not the same I know but very close and at a much lower cost of admission.

Downtown Charleston, SC

Ba Chieu Market, Saigon. Fuji X-H1 - XF 1.2/56, one of the very good Fuji lenses. So far, 17,000 views on Flickr after it was explored by the site's algorithm.